My favorite all time fruit tree commercial

That is hilarious.
Darn, I’d never plant those. The deer don’t eat them, they just seem to sniff them :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
This pecan one is even better than the pear:

Not sure if they do it to be funny, but a good number of thier product videos seem a little strange.
Well TyTy nursery has an outstanding reputation! :emoji_laughing:

But at least they used a fairly decent mount!!
Their videographer must be OhioBooners from AT, Chad Teft...................
I must have missed something. I didn't see a link to the commercial.
TyTy has to have a kid in school doing these videos as a project or something. There's just no way.

H2O, OhioBooners was a riot. I remember a few of those threads. Funny how the guys used to rip on his designer jeans.
At least it came in below budget.
Poor buck musta just had surgery where they wired his jaw shut. He’ll be back though. How could he possibly resist?

How they controlled their own laughter enough to shoot the video is incredible.

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I must have missed something. I didn't see a link to the commercial.

It should be showing up on your screen as a video that you can watch. Try watching it via the Internet at the following link:

I don’t see anything unusual other than the deer has lock jaw and a stiff neck, other than the lack of front legs.

Must be a different strain of whitetail. We have four of them in our house that act the same way.

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I don’t see anything unusual other than the deer has lock jaw and a stiff neck, other than the lack of front legs.

Must be a different strain of whitetail. We have four of them in our house that act the same way.

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I think that deer would make a nice mount too.....
They 100% make them humorous on purpose... have a few quirky "T&A" ones as well.

And while I find their advertising a bit humorous, strongly recommend anyone who follows this thread to carefully review online reviews before considering ordering from them. No shortage of feedback like this...

It's funny how people react to marketing differently - when I watched those videos I laughed at them, but would not have even thought about ordering from them. But, it must convince other people to buy, because they seem to be thriving.