Moultrie Mobile


5 year old buck +
Anyone running these? Had one up and running for the last two weeks and despite a few hiccups was working good. They are addictive. On the 9th it crapped out and according to Moultrie the camera is not checking in. They suggested a bad batch of batteries (reminded them the modem would die too then)... Then suggested maybe something disconnected the modem. Anyway, sounded fishy. Talked to a buddy and he has the same issue/error going on. Anyone else experiencing this? Both of our modems are checking in, but we're getting a error according to Moultrie that the camera isn't checking in. Unless both of us had animals attack our cords in the same period, seems to a bigger issue. Was optimistic after their last update, but perhaps it's still not ready for prime-time.
Mines working fine
Mine.. Stopped working on 9/18...I have a feeling someone stole it.
Update on mine, my batteries were dead on the camera (died after 600 pics on new lithium) running the 888i.. So something was up with camera/modem. The modem was still showing 100% and the camera when it died showed 100%. Replaced batteries, got maybe 10 pictures out of it and it hasn't updated since the 19th. I have another one out as well that is working fine (aside from the fact I'm getting days with 100 false triggers)..

I think I either have a bad camera, bad card, or there is a glitch. I have a buddy seeing the same issue.. Gotta believe there is something running the battery down post software update.

Hopefully it's a glitch that can be updated.. If you email them with your modem number, they can check the last time the modem pinged the modem. You'll see if the modem is still on and active which will tell you if its there and not receiving a connection from the camera, or both are offline..
We Run 7 Moultrie Mobile Cams and we love them. We have had a few glitches from time to time, but this is our second year running them and we have only had to make one special trick to check on one that wasn't working and that was because the SD card was full. For the most part we set them up and never have a problem with them. They are all running fine now and the only time we have to check them is when they batteries run low and that is not too often. We call them and they are always helpful.
They are suggesting it is a modem issue vs camera issue now... even though this is the same thing that happened last time and the modem wasn't the issue.

Thank you for choosing Moultrie Mobile. It appears that you will need to to a hard reset to the modem. Please do the following:
- Take out the modem batteries for 10-15 seconds
- Reinsert the batteries and hold the test button for 10 seconds
- Make sure all the lights appear on the modem and an image uploads before you leave modem

Thank you,
I have a neighbor that runs them. How do I know that? He is 8 hours away from his farm. So everything something goes wrong with one of them, guess who gets the call or the text to go out and try to figure out what the heck has happened :)

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I got mine working again, by toggling the upload frequency from twice a day to immediately. Not sure if you've tried that.
I got mine working again, by toggling the upload frequency from twice a day to immediately. Not sure if you've tried that.

That means it didn't walk away. That's a plus.
Never had a Moultrie last more than 30 months. Just too damn expensive for my blood.
Anyone still running these? They have new modems out that connect to 4g LTE networks. They can be had for cheap on ebay. Thinking about picking up 2 of them. The systems been around now for awhile, wondering if they got the kinks worked out?
Anyone still running these? They have new modems out that connect to 4g LTE networks. They can be had for cheap on ebay. Thinking about picking up 2 of them. The systems been around now for awhile, wondering if they got the kinks worked out?

I was a huge critic in past years. Very very frustrating experience (and I'm tech savvy).. It was not ready for prime time. This year was much different. I upgraded two modems to 4G and I think they ran from August until this week on one set of batteries (still running when I grabbed it), had no issues, and overall worked 95% of the time as expected. A few minor hiccups like the app working funky from time to time.. I have one still running no problem actually.

Overall, I'm happy with it and will stick with it. I upgraded the modems for free (cheap then there was a mail in rebate).

I don't love the Moultrie cameras, but I lucked out with no major issues this year.
I was a huge critic in past years. Very very frustrating experience (and I'm tech savvy).. It was not ready for prime time. This year was much different. I upgraded two modems to 4G and I think they ran from August until this week on one set of batteries (still running when I grabbed it), had no issues, and overall worked 95% of the time as expected. A few minor hiccups like the app working funky from time to time.. I have one still running no problem actually.

Overall, I'm happy with it and will stick with it. I upgraded the modems for free (cheap then there was a mail in rebate).

I don't love the Moultrie cameras, but I lucked out with no major issues this year.
From a battery life stand point, what batteries were you using? What was the transmission frequency? What type of batteries, alkaline or lithium?
From a battery life stand point, what batteries were you using? What was the transmission frequency? What type of batteries, alkaline or lithium?

Just Energizer Lithium. No external pack or solar. I used frequency settings ranging from three times a day during the slow/off season to instant during active hunting periods. Just got a incoming pic as I'm typing this on the original set of batteries. I have 2 to 3 bars of Verizon coverage, so that helps the battery I think.
Just Energizer Lithium. No external pack or solar. I used frequency settings ranging from three times a day during the slow/off season to instant during active hunting periods. Just got a incoming pic as I'm typing this on the original set of batteries. I have 2 to 3 bars of Verizon coverage, so that helps the battery I think.
That’s pretty solid runtime without an external source. I ordered a modem for $60 to try it out. Thanks for the info.