Morels 2024

Dang! Did you get some rain on this last go-round? I think we are too dry…

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We got a little rain maybe a week ago? Plus 2 nights that were in the mid 20's this week. And, lots of very windy days.

I keep notes every yr. Firmly believe they come up at the same time every yr no matter what the conditions are. If it's wet, warm, and calm they get big and keep on the ground for a long time (chances of finding high). If it's cold, really hot, dry, and or windy they pop up small and deteriorate quickly (chances of finding low). This hunt was different though, we never find clusters like this!
We got a little rain maybe a week ago? Plus 2 nights that were in the mid 20's this week. And, lots of very windy days.

I keep notes every yr. Firmly believe they come up at the same time every yr no matter what the conditions are. If it's wet, warm, and calm they get big and keep on the ground for a long time (chances of finding high). If it's cold, really hot, dry, and or windy they pop up small and deteriorate quickly (chances of finding low). This hunt was different though, we never find clusters like this!

Nice! Yeah, a buddy and I found some clusters like that just one year ever. Around a grove of cottonwoods by Tuttle Creek lake a year after it flooded.

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Nice! Yeah, a buddy and I found some clusters like that just one year ever. Around a grove of cottonwoods by Tuttle Creek lake a year after it flooded.

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I've heard that previous year's flood lines are good places to find them around lakes. I know a guy who walks the edge of the debris field and does well.
Who finds a massive cluster like that?! Wow!

Was that last one a false morel Cat?
Who finds a massive cluster like that?! Wow!

Was that last one a false morel Cat?
I've never seen clusters like that!
Yes, it's a false. I know people that eat them. Say if you cook them right they aren't poisonous. I don't fool with odds like that.
I've never seen clusters like that!
Yes, it's a false. I know people that eat them. Say if you cook them right they aren't poisonous. I don't fool with odds like that.
Did you guy see the story of some sushi restaurant that killed 2 people when they included raw morels in some sushi? I believe it was in Montana. Morels are great, but you need to cook them.

I would never roll the dice on false morels or any other mushrooms I wasn't 100% sure on.
Did you guy see the story of some sushi restaurant that killed 2 people when they included raw morels in some sushi? I believe it was in Montana. Morels are great, but you need to cook them.

I would never roll the dice on false morels or any other mushrooms I wasn't 100% sure on.

I had not seen that! What a shitty way to go!

Brought home just shy of 9 pounds today. There were 2 guys near a spot the wife left a bunch of little ones last week, so I showed them the spot and only picked 1 of every 3 I saw. Nice guys and we all walked away happy. If I'd been there an hour earlier I'd had close to 25lbs. Kind of glad I bumped into them.
I had not seen that! What a shitty way to go!

Brought home just shy of 9 pounds today. There were 2 guys near a spot the wife left a bunch of little ones last week, so I showed them the spot and only picked 1 of every 3 I saw. Nice guys and we all walked away happy. If I'd been there an hour earlier I'd had close to 25lbs. Kind of glad I bumped into them.
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Nice! I checked out spots today. Powder dry… Chance of rain tomorrow and if it does, I’ll try again Sunday.

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I've been all over our 80 acres of hardwood forest... have yet to find a morel this year.
But... I did score some nice Chicken of the Woods yesterday. I think this one is Laetiporus cincinnatus.


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Are the bulk of those half free morels? I had to see what your picture was because they look different than ours. That’s what I came up with. You ever heard that term?

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Those are indeed half-free morels. They make up the majority of what I find in Ohio, too.
Are the bulk of those half free morels? I had to see what your picture was because they look different than ours. That’s what I came up with. You ever heard that term?

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Yep, half free is the proper name. I’ve heard them called snake heads and dog peckers a lot.

Certain woods seem to have them other woods only gray and yellow morels. Our little woods has all of them with only yellows at the tail end of season. At our big woods we have only ever found yellows.
The little woods is kind of a phenom, on a good year we can go out and pick 50-100 shrooms really looking it over good then come back 2-3 days later and get another 100 it goes on like that for over a week. I’ve only ever seen one other woods that keeps growing them like that in my life.
Are you guys seeing morels running earlier this year, and by how much? Lilacs are blooming here, which is sometimes a decent indicator, but it's 2 wks sooner than normal.
They were early here. Very unusual!

I've only found a couple of half's in my life. Just don't see them here much.