Missouri Land Buying!



When buying in Missouri or any other state for that matter, do your homework. I think Brooks is doing just that right now in MN. Here is an article from the MDC on where deer levels are in certain counties. Some have been hit hard.

NORTHWEST: Some of the most dramatic deer population declines in Missouri over the last 10-years have occurred in the northwest region, explained Flinn. However, because deer populations vary locally, not all areas have low deer numbers.

“Decreased deer populations are a result of naturally occurring hemorrhagic disease (HD) outbreaks, previous liberalized harvest regulations, and land-use changes,” she said. “The most significant declines have occurred in Atchison, Buchanan, Clinton, DeKalb, and Holt counties. However, deer populations should be slowly rebounding because of recent cuts in firearms antlerless permit allocation and hunters voluntarily reducing antlerless harvest. However, some counties -- including Worth, Harrison, and Mercer -- continue to exhibit fairly stable harvest trends compared to other northwest counties.”

Flinn explained that biting midge flies spread viruses that cause HD. The disease hit the region particularly hard in 2012. In areas where deer numbers are still below desired levels from HD and other factors, she advised hunters to reduce their antlerless harvests to allow deer populations to rebound.

“Additionally, if crop harvest is delayed then it could impact early deer hunting by providing more cover and food sources, causing deer to be distributed more widely throughout the landscape,” she said.
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she advised hunters to reduce their antlerless harvests to allow deer populations to rebound.
o_O:eek:This statement equates to blasphemy in the eyes of all to many state wildlife agencies these days.:mad: Fortunately, MO and a few other states have figured out that deer are not the end of all forests as we know them and they aren't afraid to tell their hunters to let the herd grow a bit.
Biggest fear I have is buying a piece in a crap neighborhood. Once bitten, twice shy. My 240 closes mid December and then the hunt gets more serious.
Biggest fear I have is buying a piece in a crap neighborhood. Once bitten, twice shy. My 240 closes mid December and then the hunt gets more serious.

I was like you once. Owned a pile of land in a once great area of MN, to have it destroyed by the DNR Gestapo. I have 3 parcels left to sell and I will have to write you post cards from Paradise Farms in Missouri after that!
Straight up hunting land values are down almost 50% from the peak for the area I will be vacating. If our DNR had the skills and the balls to tell me what '50% increase' really meant I may have stayed.
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This is a link to the newsroom at the MDC. I wish MN had one that was updated often!

^^read through the link. This caught my eye as well.

SOUTHEAST: According to Sumners, deer populations are relatively diverse in this region due to varying habitat cover and use, and the impact of harvest regulations. Several counties have experienced gradual population increases including Bollinger, Butler, Cape Girardeau, Madison, and Stoddard.

"However, Ste. Genevieve County has experienced deer population declines due to high hunting pressure, coupled with a shift in harvest from bucks to does that resulted from the antler-point-restriction, or APR," Sumners said. "Therefore, the APR has been removed, starting with this fall's hunting season, to allow the population to grow."
And look,:eek: the MDC calls APR's for exactly what they are, a herd reduction program designed to look like it is set up to help improve mature buck hunting to appease the Fudd's. At least the MDC will call a spade, a spade. Mature buck increases due to APR's are very real, but also very, very incidental to the real reason for their implementation in the first place, forcing young bucks to be off limits to increase the doe harvest by guys who just want a deer for the freezer and would likely shoot a forkhorn before a doe if it were legal for them to do so.
And look,:eek: the MDC calls APR's for exactly what they are, a herd reduction program designed to look like it is set up to help improve mature buck hunting to appease the Fudd's. At least the MDC will call a spade, a spade. Mature buck increases due to APR's are very real, but also very, very incidental to the real reason for their implementation in the first place, forcing young bucks to be off limits to increase the doe harvest by guys who just want a deer for the freezer and would likely shoot a forkhorn before a doe if it were legal for them to do so.

I have said for years, it should be this simple in MN, but the DNR does not want us to know anything of how managing a deer herd works. Pretty sad!
I have been meaning to ask if anyone was familiar with the Cape Girardeau area, as I had visited there not too long ago. Nice area, friendly folks and lots of pretty ladies as well,;) at least during the limited time I visited the area.
Man, first Jordan goes on about all the cover he has and all the oak and persimmons he has and now they got good wildlife management at the state level as well!!!!!

WOMAN!!!!!! Load the kids up in the truck! We're gett'n the hell outt'a here! Head'n to the "show me" state!!!!!

P.S. - Still ain't gonna be a cardinal fan!!!!
Man, first Jordan goes on about all the cover he has and all the oak and persimmons he has and now they got good wildlife management at the state level as well!!!!!

WOMAN!!!!!! Load the kids up in the truck! We're gett'n the hell outt'a here! Head'n to the "show me" state!!!!!

P.S. - Still ain't gonna be a cardinal fan!!!!

And don't forget property taxes are either side of $2 per acre. Yes $2!
Well MO likes them but I'm not patting them on the back just yet.

The guy that gave the report for NE MO that stated deer numbers are down was also quoted saying "he advised hunters should reduce their doe harvest"

That's great advise we should reduce our doe kill yet MDC is still selling unlimited archery tags. To help more MDC reduced antlerless to two tags during firearms (unless) you own 75 acres or more, Then you can get all the free doe tags you want and hand them out to your friends.

And while they were at they eliminated the APR because we are in a CWD county that hasn't had CWD within 100 miles of my place.

Truly MO is great place but they have troubles on the way as far as I'm concerned. I've got a realtor lined up if I decide to pull the trigger and head to western Kentucky. Something I've been struggling hard with over the past year. If I didn't have so much sweat equity in where I am the decision would be easier. Easier, but not a no brainier.
I have been meaning to ask if anyone was familiar with the Cape Girardeau area, as I had visited there not too long ago. Nice area, friendly folks and lots of pretty ladies as well,;) at least during the limited time I visited the area.

I live 70 miles north of Cape and have one hell of a story about a New Years ev night of partying in the heart of cape. Me an several buddies, all full of piss an vinegar, ended up in the wrong part of town and the night got Crazy! Prolly shouldn't post the details might have the law knocking on my door by morning. I should have never used my actual name as my avatar. Fail

From a hunting stand point. Cape is a river bottom town with good black dirt. Lots of money in that area.
College town. Booming area
Well MO likes them but I'm not patting them on the back just yet.

The guy that gave the report for NE MO that stated deer numbers are down was also quoted saying "he advised hunters should reduce their doe harvest"

That's great advise we should reduce our doe kill yet MDC is still selling unlimited archery tags. To help more MDC reduced antlerless to two tags during firearms (unless) you own 75 acres or more, Then you can get all the free doe tags you want and hand them out to your friends.

And while they were at they eliminated the APR because we are in a CWD county that hasn't had CWD within 100 miles of my place.

Truly MO is great place but they have troubles on the way as far as I'm concerned. I've got a realtor lined up if I decide to pull the trigger and head to western Kentucky. Something I've been struggling hard with over the past year. If I didn't have so much sweat equity in where I am the decision would be easier. Easier, but not a no brainier.

I like Kentucky. Everything except the hole baiting thing.
But North Mo is a special place Bill. I would think real hard before pulling that trigger!
I like Kentucky. Everything except the hole baiting thing.
But North Mo is a special place Bill. I would think real hard before pulling that trigger!

Yep, that's why it's been a struggle. I'm not optimistic in the long rum but right now I'm in a wait and see mode.
So much depends on my neighborhood and how the neighbors react to the lower numbers and ability to shoot any buck. Some I know for sure will stay the course. Others ?? I'm not positive, but their talking a good game.
Its not unlimited doe permits in my area of NW MO. Only one can be bought if I am still correct. Even when it was unlimited, you could not shoot enough, and no one in my area would shoot a pile of doe's. My area of several miles around is managed by a loose coop of a few guys hunting. Not much for locals that want to slaughter deer.
I just love the fact that the MDC continues to ask the hunter for input on a number of management projects all around Missouri! Here are the latest.

I just posted this info under a different topic. It fits better here. It's a report on MO land values.

University of MO Survey:
I just posted this info under a different topic. It fits better here. It's a report on MO land values.

University of MO Survey:

Those numbers mean nothing because they are not area specific from what I can tell.