Misc Training/Pruning Questions


5 year old buck +
  1. I have had pretty good success scoring above buds on the central leader to encourage branches where I want them. Question: If I score above what looks like a fruit bud, will that fruit bud turn into a branch?
  2. When training your scaffold branches at 60 degree angles, how far out from the tree is 'enough'? One a limb is, say, 3'-4' from the central leader should I let it grow wild thinking that eventually a fruit load will bring it down, or is it worth the effort to train a branch to follow a 60 degree angle even farther out from the leader?
  3. It's not hard to train the branches on the first two scaffold layers, but harder and harder on the higher scaffold branches. Does anybody train branches above the second scaffold?
  4. How far out from the central leader should a scaffold branch be before we let it 'fork'?

I look forward to your thoughts on any/all of these.

- L2L
1. I dont know, good question!
2. Yes at some point you got other things to do in life. The angle is important to create strength at the intersection of the limb and the trunk.
3. No, again at some point you have other things in life to do.
4. Depends on your final tree height. You can always let them fork and then remove forks later once the tree has matured. Remember as you move up the tree scaffolds should be shorter so as to not shade out the bottom of your tree. Farming for sunlight. Sunlight on limbs is your friend, shaded wood has less value.