Mike Rowe - been a fan since "Dirty Jobs"


I've always liked Mike, I consider him a "normal" hollywood type. Not the crazy type the news shows us every day (and I could care less about).

Mike has come out with a new show, I wanted to share it with everyone here but it's ONLY on FaceBook. So I'm afraid some of you won't see it.

Season 1 Episode 1 was about a Harley shop for veterans with PTSD and other baggage from being in the service. They donated equipment and rent money to the operator (who's dad was a vet). Well worth the watch.


I'm off to watch episode #2 right now.
I won't over sell it, but episode #2 isn't bad either.

Check it out.
I'm a fan of very few TV personalities and of few movie stars.... but I've always like Row. No time to watch your links right now but I'll save them for later.

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I haven't seen the show but if you haven't heard his podcast I would suggest downloading it.

It's called "The way I heard it". It kind of reminds me of Paul Harvey. They are interesting stories and fairly short. I travel a lot for work so I listen to the podcast over my truck and through my phone.
Always really enjoyed "Dirty Jobs".
I like that guy. He's been to Washington telling congress their are plenty of jobs out there we're just not training our kids for them. HS push college on everyone instead of offering shop to give kids a feel for welding, carpentry, pipe fitting etc.
I haven't seen the show but if you haven't heard his podcast I would suggest downloading it.

It's called "The way I heard it". It kind of reminds me of Paul Harvey. They are interesting stories and fairly short. I travel a lot for work so I listen to the podcast over my truck and through my phone.

I agree. "The way I heard it" is interesting. You never know what the topic is going to be, but Mike always makes it interesting. He is sharper than he portrays himself, I think wicked smart probably.

Always really enjoyed "Dirty Jobs".

Me too. I think they literally ran out of topics to cover or the show would still be on.

I like that guy. He's been to Washington telling congress their are plenty of jobs out there we're just not training our kids for them. HS push college on everyone instead of offering shop to give kids a feel for welding, carpentry, pipe fitting etc.

Yep, STEM isn't just for breakfast anymore. Not every kid should go to a 4 year school and try to graduate in 5 or 6 years with 100k + in debt. Many kids (I was one of them 30 years ago) have no business going to a 4 year school. Learn a trade, make a good living, and see where it takes you.

You guys that would like to illicit change in the education system need to go to your legislators. State lawmakers dictate school funding and dictate what is taught in public schools, not the schools/districts. If there is anything left in funding after mandates are met, then the districts can spend on extra's like Ag mechanics and other vocational programs. Our district buses Jr/Sr's who are interested to a local college to work on certificates. We've had many kids graduate high school with a college certificate in welding, auto-mechanics, and mechatronics.

STEM has long been pursued by US Presidents and politicians who are embarrassed by the stats that show the US is behind many countries in turning out engineers, mathematicians, and tech workers. The US is filling a lot of these positions with foreigners instead of citizens, hence the focus on STEM. Mike Row had it right when he went to Congress for this, the push for college comes from the top and simply trickles down.
You guys that would like to illicit change in the education system need to go to your legislators. State lawmakers dictate school funding and dictate what is taught in public schools, not the schools/districts. If there is anything left in funding after mandates are met, then the districts can spend on extra's like Ag mechanics and other vocational programs. Our district buses Jr/Sr's who are interested to a local college to work on certificates. We've had many kids graduate high school with a college certificate in welding, auto-mechanics, and mechatronics.

STEM has long been pursued by US Presidents and politicians who are embarrassed by the stats that show the US is behind many countries in turning out engineers, mathematicians, and tech workers. The US is filling a lot of these positions with foreigners instead of citizens, hence the focus on STEM. Mike Row had it right when he went to Congress for this, the push for college comes from the top and simply trickles down.

I dont disagree, but the chance of "us" overcoming the big lobby by the universities is slim to none. Colleges are nothing more than big business' anymore. They can lie all they want about providing education, but there real goal is to make money to build themselves bigger and provide bigger salaries to their "employees".
One of our local large highschools that recently built a new school, made learning centers within their curriculum to better prepare students for the blue collar jobs that are in desperate need to be filled.
I dont disagree, but the chance of "us" overcoming the big lobby by the universities is slim to none. Colleges are nothing more than big business' anymore. They can lie all they want about providing education, but there real goal is to make money to build themselves bigger and provide bigger salaries to their "employees".
One of our local large highschools that recently built a new school, made learning centers within their curriculum to better prepare students for the blue collar jobs that are in desperate need to be filled.

Very true! Colleges have tight margins and have to make money or fail. The last time I checked lawmakers weren't exactly asking voters what they wanted taught. Was Common Core voted in by the population? Next Generation Science Standards? Etc. They vote amongst themselves and we all know the power that lobbyists have... Thumbs up to your local highschool for recognizing something that will help their students and in giving them a different route to success!
Episode 3 is out.

"Girls build" - introducing girls to the trades.

I support all my kids in looking into vocational type learning experiences in High School. Great way for kids to learn a trade or see if ti really what they want to do in life. Many small schools struggle to be able to have trade type programs. I also don't think that everyone needs to go to college. There is NOTHING wrong with learning a trade, Electricians, Welders, Mechanics, Carpenters and the like all have there place int he world and most of those folks want to DO to learn and NOT read about it in a book! Anybody that supports working for a living has my support! Not everyone is going to be a doctor, lawyer, Engineer or Business professional type! I'm all for having some sort of education/skill beyond high school, but that doesn't always mean actual college or university. Nothing wrong with work......for some reason our society seems to frown upon it now.....but that word....WORK....is what made this country great!