Mature bucks must have a sense of humor.


This guy gave one push before deciding it was a bad idea.



This guy must figure he's bullet proof.





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Does'nt look like a fair match,the buck on the right has a few pounds and years on the other guy.
Great pic sequence. Thanks Bill!
I shot one of my big bucks doing this exact same thing! I watched this small six point all opening weekend of rifle season. He was running this large valley/holler and I could see the entire valley/holler. I remember there was no wind at approximately 3:30pm and I kept hearing what sounded like 2 people each holding a 14' 2x4 and "fencing" with the 2x4's. That "clunk-doooong" sound. I was like, what the heck is that sound? All of a sudden I see this six pointer, again, run from this small valley. Then I watch this small six walk back towards the little valley again. I thought to myself, that's weird. After he walked into this little valley and slightly disappeared, Then I heard that sound again. That's when I realized what it was. That small six was sparring with a bigger buck. I throw my binoculars up and sure enough a big mature eight was facing straight away from me and sparring with that little six. That sound was there racks hitting each other. They weren't fighting, they were simply sparring. I about jumped out of my binoculars Upon spotting him, like I always do when I spot a shooter through the binoculars. They fought for a few moments, then the .300 WSM rang out after a broadside opportunity presented itself; and I filled my tag :-)

I get a lot of pics like that. After watching them over the years, I'm convinced that these are not really fights. It almost seems like the mature buck uses the young buck as a sparing partner preparing for more serious fights later in the season. I see these mismatches much more frequently early in the season. I sometimes see grooming activity both before and after the sparing. I think the younger bucks are more instinctively testing their strength rather than challenging the mature bucks. Most of the more serious fights I've seen are between much more evenly matched bucks and they typically occur a bit later in the year.


Bill - Great pix !! If the little guy was feeling his oats and wanting to test his metal, he sure was looking to " play up " !! I wonder what the big boys think when this sort of thing happens. " Come on kid .... really ?? " or " OK ...... you want to try the old man, huh ?? " If only we knew.

I get a lot of pics like that. After watching them over the years, I'm convinced that these are not really fights. It almost seems like the mature buck uses the young buck as a sparing partner preparing for more serious fights later in the season. I see these mismatches much more frequently early in the season. I sometimes see grooming activity both before and after the sparing. I think the younger bucks are more instinctively testing their strength rather than challenging the mature bucks. Most of the more serious fights I've seen are between much more evenly matched bucks and they typically occur a bit later in the year.



Ha, I know that Jack, my post was done so joking but since I said nothing to indicate that I can see where it may seem question like.

We had a post early spring where the boys were still tickling antlers. I think their mostly like young boys in the sand lot.

I don't think it ever really gets serious until just before and during the rut.

Heres a serious match from last night. Their just playing/sizing each other up right now. In 3 to 4 weeks Throw in a hot doe and this exchange could become deadly.












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