Lake effect snow


5 year old buck +
I was driving home from camp Sunday morning and just missed a lake effect snow band. Although this would be considered a minor one it caused major problems. The first snowfall always does but this one was early and it was 70 degrees two days earlier. This sequence is in less than a 10 mile stretch. It probably lasted 3-4 hours. Now the real problems arise when a band doesn't move for a few days. That is when we get the 100" weekly totals. We are usually good for one of those a year. I thought it would be interesting for those of you you do not get to experience lake effect.

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That's Lake Erie it's coming off of right? My Great Lakes geography is slipping.
We had a few flurries Saturday morning.
I used to get some quite lesser lake effect snows in Duluth when a low pressure system would hit just right and push the air back over town. It was an automatic foot. I used to wait until it all fell and then I'd drive my cavalier straight up the steepest hill in town before it was plowed. So much fun.
That's why you average 325" a year.
Lake Ontario is Chummer's source. I worked up in that country and I've seen/experienced those lake-effect snows. We had to shovel 2 ft. of snow after work to get into the parking area. Next morning - before work - we shoveled 20" more to get back out !!! I can tell you this - if you think you've seen a white-out ........... NO - you haven't !!! We couldn't see more than 5 ft. !!! I'm NOT exaggerating - I was never so scared in my life we might get drilled by another vehicle. V - e - r - y scary.
I was pretty pleased because we got our first real frost the other day - Chummer has actual snow accumulation! Scratch NY of my list f places to retire to!!!!! Don't need that crap!
That's Lake Erie it's coming off of right? My Great Lakes geography is slipping.
We had a few flurries Saturday morning.
As Bows said it is Ontario. The beauty of the Tug Hill is it is due East of The lake and raised in Elevation. That makes a double threat. A cold west wind from now until April will produce snow and a lot of it. Once the lake cools to 34 the snow will ease. It never freezes and from 35-45 degrees it is a snow machine.
I was pretty pleased because we got our first real frost the other day - Chummer has actual snow accumulation! Scratch NY of my list f places to retire to!!!!! Don't need that crap!
No one retires here. We all have an exit plan! Besides with the taxes you have to work an extra 5 years. It is some beautiful country though.
I agree on the beauty of the land, Chummer. It's a state with many different regions and landscapes and they're ALL good !!! The Finger Lakes, Catskills and Adirondacks are pretty spectacular, especially in the fall.