J-bird, here's a model of what your squirrels could be if you still have them

Nope! No internet phenom here. They have about 2 more weeks at my place and then off to the re-hab facility.

They are getting to be a handful - the wife has realized we can;t keep them.....they started trying to chew on here antique cabinet in the dinning room - I thought she was going to loose her mind! What was even funnier was they where out of her reach and they are much quicker than she is! That just pissed her off that much more! Obviously I wasn't helping.......I was laughing too hard!!!!
Are they loose in your house? What happens if you can't catch them?

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I had some mice loose in my camp I shot them with my daughters pink daisy. Are your dogs going nuts? See what I did there. Squirrels...nuts.
Are they loose in your house? What happens if you can't catch them?

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I wish posting videos wasn't such a bear due to file size limitations.

Yes the squirrels are in the house and we also have 3 dogs.....in the house (plenty big enough to eat the squirrels). The dogs simply whine because they are curious about the squirrels while they are in their cage. We let the squirrels loose in the house every evening to feed them and to ensure they get some exercise. When that happens the dogs go outside. We close all the doors in the house and keep an eye on the squirrels. They don't go too far but enjoy the additional room to run and to climb. They especially like running laps on the couch.

They are becoming increasingly shy of the kids and essentially only let my wife and I handle them now - and at times they are not real fond of that either. You would tend to think catching them would be an issue - and it can be. However, we feed them and they run off some energy. They then settle down and go and climb right back into their cage in most cases. The biggest issues right now when they are loose is that they will try to chew on virtually everything (my otter box on my phone has teeth marks on it) and the fact that they poop when and where they want. They are sort of like a dog however and if you watch them you can tell what they are doing and take care of it. They love to chew on anything that is wood - drives my wife nuts!

They can be real entertaining to watch - they remind you of many other young siblings. They fight over the same nut - even though they have several to choose from and one will torment the other just so they have a playmate as well. Every once in a while one gets carried away and they get a bit nasty with each other.

They are to the size now that you don't want to handle them or have them on you unless you have a decent weight sweatshirt on and jeans - those little nails are real damn sharp. If I need to put one in the cage I can typically put my hand down and they will run up my arm and sit on my shoulder. Sometimes they try to get on top of my head - that hurts!
Squirrels are so damn cute. I love watching them while on stand or out the house windows. They have been responsible for many deer sneaking up on me several times while on stand. Thanks for sharing the pics of yours.
Squirrels are so damn cute. I love watching them while on stand or out the house windows. They have been responsible for many deer sneaking up on me several times while on stand. Thanks for sharing the pics of yours.

They are real cute - until they crawl up your bare leg, up your back with a thin t-shirt on and then proceed to perch on the top of your head! You feel like you got attacked by a reversed pin cushion! Oh - and the more you move the more they move - the more they move the more it hurts and damn they are quick!

They can be fun to watch while on stand but can also be very frustrating as well. Nothing drives me nuts more so than having squirrels doing their thing behind me while on stand, or having them sit there and bark at you. I have shot my fair share in the past and will continue to do so, but you do get a different perspective of them when you essentially raise them. They would make terrible pets - but they are cute when they are young - like most critters.
J, I agree on all you said but I do still enjoy bbq squirrel out of a crock pot.
Well, it's funny what you will bust your nuts for! Walnuts that is. The little guys are loving the walnuts I picked up and though they chew on them they still struggle with getting them open themselves. Typically I smack one with a hammer until I hear it crack and then the squirrels do the rest. However this evening I was letting the squirrels run and get some exercise and I figured I would crack some nuts. Well they quickly figured out what I was doing and decided to give me a hand.....in eating them that is! Little buggers ate over a dozen of them. They would finish one off and come and look at me like, "Ehm! Another one please." If I didn't respond quickly enough they would start to get in the way like, "move over buddy - I got this!" After a full belly of walnuts they decided they needed a drink - so off to the dog bowl they went. They are messy and entertaining that the same time - sort of like little kids!
busted nuts.jpg
Yep, your getting attached to them.
Yep, your getting attached to them.
Actually - we are but they are still going to the rehab place to be released as real squirrels. It will be the hardest on my wife, but she knows it's what is best. I just have to keep her from adopting something else once they are gone!
Actually - we are but they are still going to the rehab place to be released as real squirrels. It will be the hardest on my wife, but she knows it's what is best. I just have to keep her from adopting something else once they are gone!

Umm the rehab place hasn't had a bed? For how many weeks.

Screw it, train them to crawl all over you while sitting it a tree. Best confidence decoy you'll find.

Write a book, start breeding deer hunting confidence squirrel pets, retire and hunt.

Your set!
Umm the rehab place hasn't had a bed? For how many weeks.

Screw it, train them to crawl all over you while sitting it a tree. Best confidence decoy you'll find.

Write a book, start breeding deer hunting confidence squirrel pets, retire and hunt.

Your set!
If I go that route Bill - I should train them to go out into the woods and find the deer for me and thru signals tell me where they are, how many and any bucks! There's a money maker right there! Those guys can train recovery dogs all they want - I'll corner the market in training squirrels in finding the deer as well......but when they are alive!!!!

I can see it now - it will be like a little game of charades between the hunter and the squirrel!

Maybe I can even get them to bark when they see the deer as a early alter system as well!

Since I have a pair they can be like a scout/sniper team - and get this.....they work for peanuts!!!!