Is this chestnut blight?


5 year old buck +
Have this on a Dunstan, is it just a scar from something rubbing last fall or is it blight?

I've had blight on my American trees and the ones that gave up the ghost had orange pimples with a sunken on bark till it girdle the tree.
That kinda looks like the bark burst since you can see how the edges still match.
Mt big American had a swollen canker, but it didn't look like yours.

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I'm wondering if I may have inadvertently cut it slicing off the tape last year that chestnut hill put on it a couple years ago to tie it to the bamboo stake? Was thinking about covering the scar with rubber tree sealant to let it heal up?
Other than that gouge looking scar the tree is healthy and waking up from winter fine.
I'd say cover it with sealant and see how it goes. The sealant won't help it heal, but it will help prevent pathogens or insects from entering at the opening.



What do you use for "sealant?"

I use Doc Farwells.