5 year old buck +
I have about 12 apple trees planted in my woods in 6 foot tubes from around 2012-2014. One of them has a few small green crabs on it again this year. Its time for me to give these things the premium treatment cause they have been severely neglected by me. I put some mulch on their weed mats last time up. I wanna cut these tubes down and get these trees caged and put rock around the base of them.
What is your best advice how to try and critter proof them??? We have quite a few bear in the area.
Do I need to paint the trunks if I cut the 6 foot tubes in half?? I would like to leave the lower half of the tube on the tree
I am thinking of caging with 5 foot cages. Unsure of the diameter??
I'm really good at growing oaks and conifers. I haven't spent to much time in the fruit department. I also have high bush cranberry in tubes, black cherry and maybe some service berry. I'm thinking when my brother planted some of those they should have been caged instead of tubed but we were rookies. If it wouldnt have been for those first 5 years of mistakes we wouldnt have learned anything.

What is your best advice how to try and critter proof them??? We have quite a few bear in the area.
Do I need to paint the trunks if I cut the 6 foot tubes in half?? I would like to leave the lower half of the tube on the tree
I am thinking of caging with 5 foot cages. Unsure of the diameter??
I'm really good at growing oaks and conifers. I haven't spent to much time in the fruit department. I also have high bush cranberry in tubes, black cherry and maybe some service berry. I'm thinking when my brother planted some of those they should have been caged instead of tubed but we were rookies. If it wouldnt have been for those first 5 years of mistakes we wouldnt have learned anything.