Hunting Permission


5 year old buck +
Just curious as to who you give hunting permission to, if you do?

Do you have any stipulations, maybe help with some habitat work, in exchange for permission?

Any rules you have that they have to abide by?
Who hunts: my immediate household and a longtime buddy.

Obey the law
Does for the freezer bucks for the wall (rookie hunters excluded)

I get little to zero help with habitat work. My buddy may be on the way out as put me in a tough spot last year and made some comments about breaking the doe/buck rule - he does and he is out.
I will add that revoking permission seems more strenuous on relationships than saying no right up front. Getting habitat help can be a real struggle and sooner or later someone is going to feel entitled or taken advantage of. You also have the squabbles that go alone with it as well. It can be fun hunting with others it can also be very frustrating.
My Pop's has owned a parcel for ~15 years. I bought my own parcel (same neighborhood but not touching) last year. Due to the small size of our pieces it's only Pop's, me, and a buddy of mine that hunt them. I would love to include other friends but we just don't have the acreage, or the dpsm. My little ones will hopefully be joining us in the not to distant future.

We don't see a whole lot of deer therefore we don't have a whole lot of rules. If overharvest begins to become a concern we will address it then.
My rules are

Shoot only 3.5 and older bucks.
If you shoot a buck you're spending the $500 to have him mounted.
Walk to the stand and back. No walking around the woods, if you want to walk in the woods go to the park.
If you kill a buck your done for that season. No sense in stinking up a stand to "maybe" shoot a doe. (My neighbors control enough does that I don't have too)

Help with the work is the tough part. Some years I get lots of help other years none. I need to work on that.

j-bird is right about some feeling entitled it's a tough spot to be in.

If I had it to do over again I would pre-empt every invite with.

This is a one time invite. I own the place, it's my place and different guests will come different years. Some years none.

Have a step Bro that announces every few years he's coming. Next announcement will be denied.
Part of the reason I bought my own land is my FIL lets everyone hunt who asks. That is on 45 acres. It makes no sense since we have thousands of acres of state land within 15 minutes. The problem is we have one of the only fields around so people see deer in it and ask to hunt plus all those who don't even bother to ask. It drives me nuts. Eventually it will will be my wives and mine and that field will be screened and no one will be allowed to hunt there. I would rather do the habitat work on my own but I will have to ask on the new place to get it up and running. I will only have 2-3 buddies hunting there and typically they only make it up one or two weekends a year.
One buddy hunts with me - he is a working fool, that's never a problem. He's very conscious of my goals, so we stay well aligned there. A good friends son has joined us in the past.... This year he was in school and couldn't help with habitat work. He announced all on his own that he wouldn't be hunting with us because he didn't help. Good kid.

If it's a buck you are mounting it.
Does are fair game.
Hunt the correct wind or don't hunt.

I don't let guests pay for stuff on my farm. I feel that's my responsibility. I would be spending the money even if I were hunting alone. That way I never feel like I "owe" anyone anything. Guests don't mind :)

Jake of course hunts the farm too. He's young enough he can shoot anything he wants. I think he is going to 'wait' for something bigger than a spike or fork in the future. We'll see how that goes :)

I was just curious as to what others do. In talking with others I know it can become a sticky issue with some.

It's usually just my immediate family that deer hunts our property. My dad might hunt it once in a while and my nephew did hunt it once for youth season. I have a friend that has hunted in the recent past but he decided to hunt a different spot last year. I was relieved as I didn't really want to say no and was just kind of hoping he would move on.

I've never asked nor have anyone offer to help with the habitat work. We like doing it and, as already mentioned, I wouldn't run into an entitlement issue with someone who did help.

We target 3.5 and older bucks and if you're shooting it, you're mounting it. The kids are excluded from that.
I forgot to mention the same friend that currently hunts the property with me.... We ran all 3 of his sons through all of their youth seasons, the youngest is now too old. Loved taking those kids hunting, seeing them shoot their first deer (or first buck). It was a hoot!

One friend hunts my place with free will, he allowed me to hunt his places for several years before I acquired property. I have killed 5 wall hangers on his property over the years I owe him a couple yet. My father may also hunt if he wants but follows harvest criteria I think he has hunted 4 times in 5 years. Over the last 5 years I have taken two other non youth hunters on 1x hunts. 1 I asked the following year to help with habitat work a couple times and he was busy so that was that and the other stopped deer hunting.

The one exception is youth hunters, I have taken 4 youth hunters and watched them harvest deer, there isn't a much better feeling than that.
You want to have fun - take the kids.....leave the adults at home!

Kids want to see and hopefully take a deer, in many cases any deer will do. You can "teach" kids. Adults have egos to stroke and all sorts of baggage - sucks the fun right out of it!! Many times it's like trying to talk to a stone.

You want to see a bunch of babies - watch grown men fight over who got to use which stand last time or how their situation deserves special consideration and the like or heaven forbid somebody shoots somebody else's deer! Holy crap - it could come down to a fist fight!

Just a word of caution - true "sportsmen" are becoming VERY difficult to find these days. Far too many "chest pounders" and "look at me" and "get what I can and run" types out there these days in my opinion......choose carefully VERY carefully!
For gun season, my BIL, step-dad and his hunting buddies get to hunt my property. We don't harvest any does. Part of the reason I bought the property was because his buddies stopped hunting with them when they went 6 years without seeing a buck so right now, we are allowing them to take any buck they may see. As the start to enjoy hunting more, hoping to put some rules in place for buck harvest. Short of that, only rule is to access the property as the habitat plan calls for.

For muzzleloader, my long-time friend has permission to hunt with me. Same stipulations as gun season.