HT Community Feelings On SE MN 603 Expansion?


5 year old buck +
Curious what the affected and close to affected guys think about the expansion in the CWD zone in SE MN. The zone got expanded recently, and now Houston County looks to be getting roped in any day thanks to a new discovery outside the containment zone. DNR stepping up ideas to get the deer herd reduced quickly, and many ideas on the table like bounties, prizes, tax credits, walk-in payments, etc.


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That puts it about 10 mile south of where I hunt. We cant feed our use mineral or urine based scent for the past few years anyway so not sure it is going to change much. Even if it comes to our property it isn't going to increase harvest that much more.
It took a while to get some decent age structure in our herd in most areas down here and this will change things in most neighborhoods. All it takes is one neighbor a mile away to allow the USDA sharpshooters to come in over bait piles in January and the local herd will get knocked back considerably. The neighbor who shoots everything that moves now can kill as many bucks as they want over multiple seasons.

I think it's worth a shot to try to limit the spread, but it already appears like it is too late. I would now prefer to see most of the disease money to go to researching a cure rather than paying the USDA sharpshooters to kill deer over bait piles. We can't shoot our way out of this problem any more.
I disagree completely with the DNR’s plan to bring in sharpshooters and the seasons that will be set up to kill every deer possible

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Government logic if we kill all the deer and we don’t have a cwd problem. Hopefully they find a cure. It’s only a matter of time cwd is everywhere.
I think the MN DNR will find out very quickly that they wont get much landowner cooperation to do this. It didn't work in WI. It's not possible to kill every deer in the zone. Even if you did new deer will move in and can apparently get infected by what's already in the soil. I believe this is a serious problem. But I also believe if you test enough deer anywhere in the U.S. it will show up.
The way the DNR is framing this up seems like it's a guaranteed expansion of the zone if landowners don't play ball and give up their deer. If a hot pocket remains, the disease will move, and the boundary will wrap around the guys that don't participate anyway.