How to hang these licking branches?


5 year old buck +
I saw some of these vines/ branches and I have heard of them being used as licking branches or mock scrape branches or something. I have big ones, small ones, long ones, short ones, and I can get all I want. How do I hang these up or fasten them to get the deer to use them? I might finally get back to my land this weekend and want to get some mock scrapes and stuff like this done.

Tell me how to get the most out of these vines.

I zip tied mine to the trunk and down an existing branch.

I tie and lash mine with 550/paracord. For vines the fresher you hang them the better I think the sap is what triggers the initial use. I have some lashed to other tree branches and I have one that simply hangs and swings freely from a branch as well. I think a more "fixed" install is better, but put up a lot and some will work while others won't.

I try to use a piece of vine that is 2 feet long or so that is straight and about the size of my thumb or bigger. This tends to mean a stiffer piece and a more fixed application allows the deer to actually rub their facial glands on it as well easier.
I use stainless wire and rub a bit of ever calm on them when I first hang them. I agree with J-Bird. More fixed than swinging in the breeze. Doesn't look it but this one is lashed on pretty tight. Some swing but not dangling.
