Hoping this cold does some GOOD things


5 year old buck +
This ugly, mean cold has some good benefits - I hope. Maybe kill the spotted lantern fly eggs around my home area, and put some hurt on hemlock wooly adelgid, wood boring beetles, Gypsy moth, and stink bugs. If they get killed from extreme cold - bring on a few more days of it. I've got plenty of firewood !!
I hope so too.

I was surprised when I pulled a tractor into the heated side of the shed over the weekend that several moths came to life. They have been sitting out in the cold frozen solid for weeks/months. Not sure how they do it.
I hoping it kills off some armadillos here in central MO. They have spread northward over the past decade or so due to mild winters. Not sure it did as I saw a live one this weekend.
I'm hoping it kills some pine bark beetles!
We got more coming tomorrow, bring it on, I have 8 cords of firewood ready for the wood stove and a serious hatred for the creepy crawly things that don't belong this far north