Hog hunting


5 year old buck +
I would like to take my son on a hog hunt sometime, somewhere. I am looking for recommendations on good locations, and from people that have gone before. Tips on where to find land to hunt, about how much it costs, when is the best time to go, etc..
Me too.

I would pay up to $250 for a wild hog.
I went years ago with a outfitter on public land on the South Carolina/ Georgia line. It was one of the best hunts I've ever been on. We wanted to go again the following year but the guide just disappeared. It was the real deal, we boated in on a river, camped out on a island for 2 nights, hunted on 5 gallon buckets in the middle of a swamp of saw grass. We went 4 out of 6 with one guy missing. The problem is the hogs are such a problem and so many of the hunts are that I find are in cages. I would suggest the Louisiana if I could go again, they have big hogs down there cool scenery. There are a lot in Texas, just never tripped my trigger to hunt there.