Help settle dispute


In my last card pull I got several videos of a nice 10 point buck. There is a dispute as to how old he is and if he is a shooter or not.

Below are several different shots and angles of the same deer - clean 5x5 but from what I see he lacks tine length. I see this deer as a mid 130's deer! I have a very similar clean 10 that I think was 4 that measured a tad over 140 that is VERY similar to this buck in the pics. I personally want to give this deer another year if possible as I think this is a nice 3 year old deer. I just don't see the physical body traits of a 4 or 5 year old deer here or enough antler to get to 140".

What do you guys think?
SW 10.jpg
No more then 3 and I don't think he'll make 130". If it was in mn I'd say he was a good 2.5 year old.
while i'm no expert at scoring a deer via trail cam pics and i generally dont like p!ssing in anybody's cheerios....i just cant come up with mid 130's on this guy or more than 2 yrs old. while its not an apples to apples comparison, so maybe its not fair, a good friend of mine shot a 124" 10 point last year that looks bigger than this deer by a decent margin. I'm actually having a hard time getting him to 110-115". I think you have a VERY good two yr old there....if getting deer into the 4+ age class is your goal (i think you have stated this before) then this guy has gotta walk on by given the opportunity.
fyi...the matched set of sheds i'm holding in the pic in my signature were officially scored as 116 and 5/8" NT with out a spread credit....that deer would have been about 14" max inside so he would have been 130" as a NT. again not really an apples to apples comparison...but is kinda interesting for reference.
Agree I think the deer is only 2 or 3 tops and like I said maybe, maybe 130's. I have someone telling me its a virtual clone of the deer I have on the wall that I guess was 4 and scored 140+........I just don't see it. I will pass this deer without much thought. Hopefully the fellow I am arguing with doesn't have to make the choice! I will make this deer off limits and we will see what happens - maybe if he sees the deer in person he will realize I am right and let the deer walk.

I know what upper 120's to mid 140's looks like I have them on my wall. That is why I have them scored - that way I have a visual reference when someone tosses out a number I can get some idea of what that really looks like.

I HOPE this deer is a nice 2 or 3 year old. At 10 points with a year or two he should make a real nice deer - if I can get him that far along and keep him in the neighborhood.

FYI - you are not going to hurt my feeling by tossing out a low score or telling me I have no idea of what I am talking about - you can't hurt my feelings.......I don't have any!!!!
Those antlers are small. They look almost freakishly small compared to his face. Of course, I mean they look "freakish" because of how good they look otherwise. I'll go with young deer (no pot belly like the rest of us middle-aged guys) with tons of potential!!
Young 106 incher.
I think he is young and one that I would pass and we shoot 3 year olds.

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2 maybe 3 but I would put my money on 2. That's a good potential deer.
2.5 and nowhere near 135- I'd be disappointed if anyone but a newb shot him at our place.
while i'm no expert at scoring a deer via trail cam pics and i generally dont like p!ssing in anybody's cheerios.

Ditto....I think it has great potential, but I think he looks to be about a 110" - 2 year old. Not a ton of mass and only about a 15" spread. Good one to keep an eye on.
Nice 2 year old! That's the buck you let walk for sure!
My cousin shot one like this a couple years ago, he sent a picture that was long armed and at a funny angle that made it look 125-130". It wasn't intentional, just a poor picture. Saw it in person that night and it was a nice 2 yo, maybe 110-115". Still a very nice deer and a top 2 yo for our area, but the difference to the pictures surprised me!

I with the others saying the deer pictured has a good chance at being 2 and maybe 110". The top left and left center pictures are a bit deceiving making it look bigger. The top right, right center, and bottom make me think young deer with good potential.
Young 106 incher.
Don't wanna be Debbie Downer but 100" is stretching it... I wouldn't be surprised if it's a yearling, though.
Definitely young, but I can see a deer like that being a real trophy if given time....
If I take the antlers away - I see a doe.
That tells me it's a young buck for sure - antlers tend to be liars in my opinion. Funny how a little cut-and-paste can make a huge difference!
Maybe it is an antlered doe?