Happy Taliban Day!

#1 your POTUS
Only in New York City could they give a holiday to a bunch of radicals that killed 3,000 people.............in New York City. :eek:
It is an embarrassing slap in the face for those families that had folks killed on 9/11.
If I said what I thought about that, I would have to be banned from the forum for my language. What is wrong with this nation, and when are people going to get their heads out of their backsides.
It's amazing at how fast this county continues to change. Many things for the better.....but some are very difficult to swallow. Others - I never will accept.
I can remember when you had to trick the general public into believing something stupid. It wasn't hard to trick them, but at least you had to trick them.

Now, someone can be chopping off your head and what is the reaction - honor them and build them up. I'd better stop now..................
I am all for tolerance of other's ideas and opinions - but it seems like you can be proud/celebrate to be anything anymore today EXCEPT MALE, WHITE & STRAIGHT!!!!

I may have gone too far............
Not right just not right. @$$#%&&/$%&£&$=_€%% €€€
Not right just not right. @$$#%&&/$%&£&$=_€%% €€€
You spell funny!!!!!!:D