....hand-held electric seed spreader...


5 year old buck +
Have long used the small hand-held, hand-cranked spreader for clover and PTT seeds.
Also use an Earthway barrel-style strapped-to-my-chest spreader for larger seeds and fertilizer.

But, just recently became aware of the hand-helds that are powered by DeWalt batteries (or Ryobi). See link below.
They are available from Amazon for about $60.

Has anyone here had experience with these battery operated spreaders?

Looks small but that would be nicer than cranking that handle. And more uniform coverage.
I have cheaper one that runs on AA's and have used it for years. Would get another one if this one goes out. Works great for small seeds on smaller plots.
Pale yes in fact I own one it uses dewault batteries and holds 3 pounds of clover. It's awesome. I highly recommend it don't waste your money on a wizzer they are junk.


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Have you seen SD's leaf blower attachment/implement?

I have the same unit, accept ours is built for the Milwaukee Tool M18 batteries. I love it! I've had the hand crank "POS" and the Whizzer AA battery "POS" and these units are, night and day, way better! They work great on clover, brassicas, rye, radish etc. Wouldn't be without it. I highly recommend it!
Tree daddy. I agree that SD does have an interesting way to do it with the blower. Had I not know about it before I purchased the dewault I would have went his way. SD has a post about how fast he can cover a field in seconds instead of minutes
Hey, Da UP ‘eh der buddy,

* I’m from N Wi …..this is how us and da UP boys talk😉

Anyway, I was looking at the m18 options online last night and I saw 3 “different” ones from $50 up to $85 and I’m not sure they are actually different. But I’m buying one based on your review, so can you say exactly which one you have and like?
This afternoon i bought the Uniqwamo DeWalt model during Amazon's Prime Days sale.
Price reduced to $42.

Arriving on the 18th.
Will give it a chance to show its stuff during the first week of August when i do my brassicas.
Maddog66, The one we have is up at camp so I'm not sure of the name, but it has an odd name. My guess is it's the same as the OP "Uniqwamo". Good luck der hey! You'll love it!