Habitat-Talks November 2023 Trail cam contest

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Most of my most recent post were just phone pics in reply to another post. Please disregard that post for the contest.

Here's a legit post for the trailcam thread. I thought these were beautiful pics!
Dang buckdeer! I like pretty much everything about him. Love the mass and browtines! Good luck sticking an arrow into him!
I believe this is the buck I had in range last week but couldn’t get a clean shot


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Those Gardepro cameras take amazing pictures. Even better videos!

I have never heard of the brand… now I have some research to do!

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Two pretty good pics.

First is a buck at my feeder at my house, in the city! These deer are used to humans. This pic is 25 yards from my house. Often I come outside and they just look at me.

Second made me laugh. Does a big coyote shit in the woods?
Guess he's not cam-shy about taking a dump!!!
closed for posts but please vote..
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