Grass waterways


Buck Fawn
I have several newly renovated grass waterways. Three were done last year and 4 more were just finished. Ideally I would like to have these in natives instead of fescue. Has anyone had success overseeding natives into the waterway? Ideally, I would have seeded them before the straw mats were put down, but its too late now. I can see a good bit of bare ground through the mats still. My thought is to broadcast a cheap mix of switch and a few forbs. Hopefully some of the seed will work its way underneath the straw. If down the road, I start to see some of the natives established I would try to thin out/eliminate the fescue then. I am hesitant to kill the fescue now bc of erosion potential. Does this plan sound reasonable? Any other suggestions?
Everything I have read says getting the native grass established is the key. IF you go this route I would try switchgrass. I have had much better luck with it and it's cheaper and hard seed so you can easily broadcast it. The trick is getting it to establish and not have the fescue choke it out. I think you may have missed your chance to be honest. Fescue has really only one good trait as far as I am concerned and that is erosion control. When I drilled my switchgrass I had to completely remove everything and keep everything else as dead or as short as possible to give the switch a chance. Not sure you will be able to do that without exposing yourself to erosion issues. Your best bet may be looking into some CRP buffer strips if you qualify......the minimum here I think is 30 feet wide and max is 120 feet wide.
I am almost positive that you are correct, as far as missing my chance. I've spent enough time and effort eradicating fescue on this and other farms not to try, though. I agree that if anything is going to work its way down through the straw mats, it would be switchgrass seed. I have buffer strips around the outside of these fields, just trying to make something out of these waterways.
I appreciate your input. Thanks