Grass ID


I should probably know this... but don't. What kind of grass is this? There was some of in the buckwheat when I mowed it down, but it was so busy competing for light with the buckwheat it hadn't set any seed heads.

I found this one by my shed that is starting to form a seed head.

The most distinct feature is how wide the leaves are. Much wider than most grasses:

Grass ID.jpg
Barnyard grass?
That is what I call it. Not sure if that is it's real common name or not and I won't even try with the scientific name.....
Turns out there were (2) grasses in the same spot.

I agree, the 1st I posted is Barnyard Grass.

Would you agree the 2nd is giant foxtail (specifically the plant on the far right in the picture below)?

grasses 2.jpg