Grafted rootstock spacing

Jordan Selsor

5 year old buck +
Will be growing my 20 mm111 apple and 10 pear grafts in a slightly raised garden bed this yr. What spacing you guys use for this? Just getting an idea of how much of my wife’s garden space I have to start negotiating for:)
About a foot apart, maybe a bit more. I don't measure as i plant out in my nursery.
18" apart will be plenty
In a raised bed that you will end up transplanting these trees withing a year or 2 the 12-18" is good. The nice part about the raised bed is you should have great weed control and ease of lifting the bare rooted trees out not to mention a real nice set up for watering.
In a raised bed that you will end up transplanting these trees withing a year or 2 the 12-18" is good. The nice part about the raised bed is you should have great weed control and ease of lifting the bare rooted trees out not to mention a real nice set up for watering.
That’s the plan! Will use soaker hose. I have a bunch of seedlings to grow as well. Gonna be allot of space needed
Will be growing my 20 mm111 apple and 10 pear grafts in a slightly raised garden bed this yr. What spacing you guys use for this? Just getting an idea of how much of my wife’s garden space I have to start negotiating for:)

The answer is: "all of it" of course! :emoji_scream:
As in double-cropping the other half maybe? Alternating rows of radishes and Antonovka seeds?
With a raised bed you may not have this problem but for me using a portion of my garden, I would plan differently by planting trees 10-12” apart in 2-3 rows but with a path down the middle for access to help with weeding, re-grafting any failures, etc.
That would have been a big help for me and will definitely be in the plans going forward.
With a raised bed you may not have this problem but for me using a portion of my garden, I would plan differently by planting trees 10-12” apart in 2-3 rows but with a path down the middle for access to help with weeding, re-grafting any failures, etc.
That would have been a big help for me and will definitely be in the plans going forward.

What buck snort says for sure if you are open ground planting - enough space to run a push lawn mower or tiller through - I like the tight very tight cut mowing option - you can lay down or sit on the ground and not be in mud and still have the space to prune or wrap the the trees - once they are a couple years old and you need to dig them out the added room is nice too