Good looking new (to me) pear

Native Hunter

5 year old buck +
This is Senator Clark from the Wildlife Group. I put 2 of these out in the Spring of 2014 - one on the low ground site and one on the high ground site.

The one on the low ground is putting out more vegetative growth and no fruit yet. This one on the high ground is making lots of fruit (for its size) this year. Tree is probably 7 feet tall and has maybe 15 - 20 big pears (forgot to count but pretty loaded). Both trees are spotless with no hint of FB or leaf spotting. Pic below shows the pears today.

WG shows ripening time of mid October with a 3 - 4 week drop time. I'm further north so expecting a slight later ripening time - perhaps Early November with same 3 - 4 week drop. Just thought I would share this info.

Looking very good. We put in kieffer pears a long time ago. Some are 20' tall with trunks larger than my arm. We had never seen pears. Finally today, I was driving past and saw this:


Of 4 trees about this size, these are the only pears I could find, but it's a beginning!


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I remember you talking about those trees before. Glad to hear they finally produced. If you get to pick up any of those later on I would like to see a picture of some up close in order to compare the appearance to Kieffers we grow here.
Not sure if or when I'll find them but sometimes photobucket reduces the uploaded image. Here is a zoom:

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Jack, that picture is blurry, but I can say that it doesn't look like what I know as Kieffer - especially at this point in the growing season. Even when ripe I've never seen Kieffer look that dark. But it may be just a deceptive image. Also, those pears are larger than Kieffer is right now for me.
I have 3 of the senator Clarke planted. Lady at the wildlife group told me they taste great kinda like Bartlett if I recall our conversation correctly.
Mine are doing very well for not receiving much attention this yr! Here is a shot of my lil pear orchard that includes keifer, moonglow, an Ms lanean. All from wild life group an turkey creek.
Venturing to Asian pears next! Have 4 successful grafts of Olympic and some other I forget the name of
You folks that don't need cages are lucky, my trees would be ripped to shreds if I didn't.
Jack, that picture is blurry, but I can say that it doesn't look like what I know as Kieffer - especially at this point in the growing season. Even when ripe I've never seen Kieffer look that dark. But it may be just a deceptive image. Also, those pears are larger than Kieffer is right now for me.

I took a picture today and tried to get the camera closer:


This is less fuzzy. For reference, I measured the larger one. It is about 2" from top to bottom. My partner planted these trees and I don't know his source. I've always been concerned that they may have been mislabeled because they have done so well vegetatively and produced no fruit. These pears kind of look like kieffer to me but not completely.

Let me know what you think after looking at this picture.


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I took a picture today and tried to get the camera closer:


This is less fuzzy. For reference, I measured the larger one. It is about 2" from top to bottom. My partner planted these trees and I don't know his source. I've always been concerned that they may have been mislabeled because they have done so well vegetatively and produced no fruit. These pears kind of look like kieffer to me but not completely.

Let me know what you think after looking at this picture.



Jack, that is definitely not Kieffer. I can't say for sure what it is - not any that I grow. Makes me think of a Bosc - just a guess.
Jack, that is definitely not Kieffer. I can't say for sure what it is - not any that I grow. Makes me think of a Bosc - just a guess.

Well that clinches it. I grew a couple serrulata pears from seed this year. I will plant them with these pears for pollination.


Updated Picture Links
Well, we finally got a decent crop of pears from these trees. I planted those oriental seedlings next to them. I don't know if they provided the pollination needed or if it just took this long for those trees to produce. Here are a couple pics:




Well, we finally got a decent crop of pears from these trees. I planted those oriental seedlings next to them. I don't know if they provided the pollination needed or if it just took this long for those trees to produce. Here are a couple pics:




those are monsters to just now be producing. Good sized tree
Yes. I'm not sure what the issue was. If you read back up this old thread, you will see that one of my partners bought them labeled Kieffer. They grew like mad vegetatively but never produced. Finally last year they produced 2 pears. They don't look like Kieffer which are supposed to be self-fertile. I grew a couple oriental pears from seed and last spring I planted them next to the trees in the picture. I'm not sure if pollination was the issue or not, but they are finally producing!
These pear trees are now empty of pears.....


Gee, I wonder what happened to them....



What a bummer Jack. Sure glad we don't have them (yet). F&W is trying its best to make sure everyone in the state gets to eventually have them. I don't get it.
I don't mind having them. I'd love to harvest one but I think we mostly get young male relocating during the summer. I've only had one picture during our early archery season and that was at night. This is not the first damage. One year I had one dig up a few freshly planted ACs, rip down a few tubed chestnuts, and destroy a portable ground blind. It was probably mostly curiosity. I care less about the lost pears than I do about the trees themselves. None of the damage looks like it will jeopardize the trees. In fact, I hope the stress makes them more productive next year.

