Free kitty kat to good home

I wonder if he wasn't attracted to the ribbon in that pear tree. I've heard of trappers hanging things to blow in the wind and attract them to their sets.
I wonder if he wasn't attracted to the ribbon in that pear tree. I've heard of trappers hanging things to blow in the wind and attract them to their sets.

It's possible. This is the second one with a tracking collar that I've had show up here. But this one is twice the size of the other one.
Them mountain lions seem to be everywhere.. :D
I'll take him, but I'd like it stretched, dried, and tanned please. :D
Just checked and season starts Nov 26 and runs through Feb 28. We may have a good Christmas gift for a Wildcat fan in the family............
I wonder if he wasn't attracted to the ribbon in that pear tree. I've heard of trappers hanging things to blow in the wind and attract them to their sets.
Yessir I always hung a turkey feather with fishing line above my cat sets! Curiosity killed several cats:)
Better there than here!! :eek:
Heard from Fish and Wildlife friend after sending him picture. Cat's name is F27. It's a female, and he provided me a map with dots showing everywhere she was when they pinged her location. She ranges north and south about 4.7 miles and east to west a little less than that. Her core is on a creek about 1/2 mile south of me. I think the reason she likes to come here so much is all the bunnies that live in the NWSGs and tree planting.