For those who love pears

Nothing wrong with making sure your branch angles are good coming off the main trunk, but as soon as you take tension off the growing portion of the limb they tend to start growing skyward. Always prune to an outward facing bud if you prune.
Guys, here is a pic of a Wildlife Group Pear that was taken a few weeks ago before flowering started. This rascal has only been in the ground since the spring of 2014, so only been growing 2 years since I planted (and with no fertilize).

When I look at this pic I do see a couple of limbs that fork, which I will probably take out to promote some more spreading future growth. I might even remove a couple completely as Rally mentioned if I think the central leader is being crowed. But I really like the way this one is shaping naturally so far. Based on experience, I also think it will naturally spread a little with age. The last time I was there, this tree was flowering, so looks like a first crop from it in the third year. To give you a better idea of the height, that fence is either 4 or 5 feet high. I can't remember which, since I have used both heights.

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Guys, here is a pic of a Wildlife Group Pear that was taken a few weeks ago before flowering started. This rascal has only been in the ground since the spring of 2014, so only been growing 2 years since I planted (and with no fertilize).

When I look at this pic I do see a couple of limbs that fork, which I will probably take out to promote some more spreading future growth. I might even remove a couple completely as Rally mentioned if I think the central leader is being crowed. But I really like the way this one is shaping naturally so far. Based on experience, I also think it will naturally spread a little with age. The last time I was there, this tree was flowering, so looks like a first crop from it in the third year.

I should note that I'm planning on trainging that first year just because the limbs on there when I planted it where growing straight up the trunk. This might have been from the conditions it was growing in, or possibly genetic... I'm just trying to make sure I get a decent spread like those.

Nothing wrong with making sure your branch angles are good coming off the main trunk, but as soon as you take tension off the growing portion of the limb they tend to start growing skyward. Always prune to an outward facing bud if you prune.

I've noticed that. They are similar to maple trees in that sense. They grow outward to get to the sun, but then straight up.
Here is one I planted a few weeks ago. Quite a difference that two years makes.:D

PS: I could be sorry for planting this one. Before I had only planted cultivars that had almost complete fireblight resistance. This one (the say) has shown some minor FB but always produces a great crop. The reason I took a chance with it is because the drop time is dead center of our gun season. :D Time will tell if I made a good choice, but I feel okay about it based on what I was told.

I noticed our Kieffer pears are growing pretty much upward as well. The branches don't seem to go " out " as much as up. But they do seem to grow fairly quickly.
Here is the largest pear tree I have ever planted. It's an Ayers that is now 25 feet tall. I think it has only been in the ground 8 years, but I didn't keep good records back then. I bought this as part of some bargain trees, and it was supposed to be a Kieffer. After eating Ayers, I'm glad some one messed up.:D Best tasting pear I have ever eaten, bar none.

I'll probably do a little training on at least some of my pears to satisfy my OCD, but your thread/pictures/comments provide some comfort that if the pears are resistant to training, 'letting them go' will yield good results too.

Native - How's the Ayers for FB ?? Nice tree !!
Native - How's the Ayers for FB ?? Nice tree !!

I have two of them, and I have never seen the first hint of FB on either one. I would rate them as good as it can possibly get on DR and fresh eating.
I have one Ayers. Growing well. Should get fruit this year. Any idea when it drops?
I have one Ayers. Growing well. Should get fruit this year. Any idea when it drops?

It drops in the hot part of the summer in my area. Watch for the red blush to start coming on the pear. Taste test one when you start seeing that and you will soon get a feel for when they are ready to eat.