Food plot = No Deer

MA VT Flatlander

5 year old buck +
White clover, red clover. alfalfa, chicory and apples in my food plot and the deer have abandoned it for, ACORNS !
Every oak tree in the woods has acorns and lots of them. Red oaks. black oaks, pin oaks and white oaks all over the woods.
Don't think I saw this many acorns on the ground in 10 years and there still falling.!

This pile of red oak acorns is going to be broadcast around my Vermont woods.Acorns 2015-10-14 001.JPG
Acorns 2015-10-14 002.JPG Look's like a bear left his mark on this white oak tree.
Wow..... A different world than mine with no or very little acorns for miles.
Sitting in the tree last night you could hear them dropping all over the woods when the wind blew.
We have no acorns for miles. But, right now they are hammering the wild apples in my neck of the woods. I'm getting 600 pics a week on 3 cameras all in wild apple groves....many, many daylight pics just before dark. Hope the apples hold on for just a few more weeks!
Trees are completely loaded at my place. While tending a burn pile Monday night I'd hear them ping off my lime spreader, stump grinder, tractor fenders, cargo container... All night long.

Then with the winds tuesday it littered my trails, but they're still dropping today.

I kinda wish I had my Nut Wizzard up here so I could collect some easily.
They are really thick at my place also. Got hit in the head by one dropping last time I sat. Bumper crop for sure.
Orange county. Chelsea.
No acorns at my place.:(

Nice haul - plant away and hope for the best!
We have no acorns for miles. But, right now they are hammering the wild apples in my neck of the woods. I'm getting 600 pics a week on 3 cameras all in wild apple groves....many, many daylight pics just before dark. Hope the apples hold on for just a few more weeks!
Exactly my situation. Apples have been the big draw here for the last few weeks.
I grew up in Bradford. Hunted mostly in Fairlee and East Corinth growing up.

It's a small world. I hunted West Fairlee off of Middle Brook Rd. King hill. I also hunted in Corinth Corners. We rented a camp there in the 70's.