Food Plot Machine


5 year old buck +
Finally getting around to posting. I few weeks ago my pops and I went in together and got a new toy... I mean tool. We picked up a John Deere 401 for food plotting. We were looking for something that was fairly compact, had a FEL and had enough HP to use decent sized tillage equipment. Oh yeah, and had to be affordable since it's really an over sized toy for us to play around on.
It's my first tractor and the first tractor he has been on since leaving the family farm at 18. So we are both excited for spring to get here and for us to get a little seat time.
Everything functions great on it. Engine and hydraulics were all gone through last year. We have a few tweaks we are going to do before spring. New rear tires, add a drawbar, add remote hydraulic hookups (came with the spool, we just need to fab a bracket and add some hoses) and add a hand clutch so my uncle who is missing his left leg can drive it if he wants.
Should be a lot of fun this summer. Can't wait.
Nothing quite like playing in the dirt!
Those industrial models come with good loaders and heavy front axels. Does yours have a PTO and 3 point? Good looking tractor!
Yep, It has both a 3 point and PTO.
For some reason we were looking hard for a Ford 4000 but didn't find many and when we did, the price wasn't right. So this one popped up and we figured what the heck. We have to do a few minor things to it but mechanically it seems real sound. We don't think the lower ground clearance should be an issue for our property but time will tell.
I'm pretty excited to give it a go.
Looks good, have fun.
I had to explain to one of my girls once that not ALL John Deere tractors are green. They looked at me like I was crazy! Of course you know the question they asked......"Why?" Umm, well, aaaaa, I'm not sure, they just aren't. Yep - looked like a real genius that day.
Industrials are yellow - better visibility on the job site.

Looks like a good machine!

Gotta admit though, I drove clear over a 12" round of bucked log that fell off a stack the other day. Didn't even touch it. Couldn't do that on my atv. It's a nice change. :)