Fire starter with air?


I had no idea any such thing was possible!

That's neat.
Pretty cool but I think I'll stick to carrying a bic lighter
I first saw a Fire Piston in Fur-Fish-Game magazine article.
Seems like a lot of work when for the same dollar or 2 I can get a couple Bic lighters for my survival pack. Bic lighters and a couple small candles. Easy.
Pretty cool. Never heard of such a thing.
Yea, it's neat. But for the same price a small lighter and a small candle will pack a lot smaller and be easier to make a fire with.
I think a few of you missed my point.

I just found it interesting that you can light something on fire with air. Not saying everyone should have one in their back pack :)

Of course a lighter is more practical.

Pretty cool! I have heard of these before but I heard them called a slam rod fire starter. For those who are all about the Bic lighters, good idea, until you get them soaking wet or they run out of fluid or the flint dies and you are up in the mountains a few days. One of these will be finding it's way into my survival pack for sure, but I will likely purchase an aluminum one and not make it.
Very interesting, thanks for sharing!

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When I hunted in Maine where there's NOTHING around for miles, I carried 3 Bic lighters and a waterproof container of waterproof matches, and 4 or 5 small candle pieces about 2" long. Given all the resin-laden dead spruce branches and birch bark in the woods, if I couldn't start a fire with all that stuff, I deserved to freeze !!! That's about as remote as I'll ever get. But the slam-rod starter is a cool idea !! A magnifying glass ( for sunny days ) isn't a bad idea either for starting fires.