I have a hard time believing getting that video wrong was a mistake myself.
It was probably some fresh 21 year old college grad hired to put the package together. Lazy, entitled, vapid...used to scouring the internet for their "homework" and didn't think anybody would notice.

Great range video though!!!! :emoji_thumbsup: Wish my local club had shoots like that.
I think Trump is making a big mistake abandoning the Kurds to Turkish butality. I have a lot symathy for the Kurds, and I have been to Kurdistan in Iraq. They are decent people who deserve the right to freedom and self determination.

I don't generally get involved in politics on here, but this is an issue I care a lot about. I urge people to call or write an email to the Whitehouse and express their displeasure with Trump's apathy toward our Kurdish allies in the Middle East. The Turks have a history of genocide against Armenians, Greeks, Kurds, etc. This will end badly for the Kurds, who are probably the most decent people in the entire region.
I certainly understand where you're coming from. But I'm going to send a letter to the President showing my displeasure that we haven't brought the troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq. We've lost thousands of men and spent trillions of dollars and we haven't gained any ground. Meanwhile the USA is being invaded at the border. Stop fighting everyone else's battles and protect the American people.
For the record, I'm a Marine Corps veteran and voted for President Trump and will again in 2020.
with Trump's apathy toward our Kurdish allies

Apathy?,... is that really what you would call it or are you being measured in your wording on this forum?

I am not sure the Kurds would describe Trumps actions as apathy.
I certainly understand where you're coming from. But I'm going to send a letter to the President showing my displeasure that we haven't brought the troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq. We've lost thousands of men and spent trillions of dollars and we haven't gained any ground. Meanwhile the USA is being invaded at the border. Stop fighting everyone else's battles and protect the American people.
For the record, I'm a Marine Corps veteran and voted for President Trump and will again in 2020.


I'm not saying he should send soldiers to Rojava, but he should make it clear to Erdogan that the murder of Kurdish civilians won't be tolerated.
Apathy?,... is that really what you would call it or are you being measured in your wording on this forum?

I am not sure the Kurds would describe Trumps actions as apathy.

I am sitting next to a Syrian Kurd right now as we type up our resumees. She nearly cried when we talked about what is happening there.

I think Trump is ignorant and apathetic toward the Kurds. I don't think he is outright disdainful.
Just for the record the Kurdish commander described it as:

The commander of the Syrian Kurdish forces in the northern part of the country condemned President Trump's decision to remove U.S. soldiers from the area.

"You have sold us. This is immoral."

He added, "You have given up on us. You are leaving us to be slaughtered."
We are responsible for the coming genocide of the Kurds. We elected a president that has no character traits that we would want our children and grandchildren to emulate. Not much hope for our democracy or the safety of our allies around the world until we realize our mistake.
At some point we need to stop being the world police, at the cost of our tax dollars, and our own service members. We have been there doing this unthankful job for many years, with no end in sight, time to pull back and start over from a different angle, because the one we had used for decades wasnt working.
At some point we need to stop being the world police, at the cost of our tax dollars, and our own service members. We have been there doing this unthankful job for many years, with no end in sight, time to pull back and start over from a different angle, because the one we had used for decades wasnt working.

I'll second third and fourth this statement. America needs to be fixed before we worry about policing the world.
One of the things Trump ran on was promising to get us out of these endless wars...he is fulfilling more of his campaign promises. The left cannot have it both ways, first they say he is a war monger now they say he is a coward?
I do not know what the right answer is to this problem and cannot begin to imagine the complexity of the decisions he has to make.
He could of handled it differently but in the end US needed to be out of that mess....and needs to just be way less involved with the ME period and focus on the USA.
Our Air Force could maintain the border with Turkey and have prevented erdogog from invading Syria and decimating the Kurds.
Democrats who were opposed to war, now want to expand it since Trump is doing the opposite. Obama let thousands of Christians die, there was a beheading or public drowning by ISIS almost every day. But since Trump is involved this is the worst *says Biden and the other crazy liberals.
Democrats complain about our troops dying and the endless wars. As soon as Trump pulls them out, the Democrats complain about that. I think they will complain not matter what decision the president makes. Trump 2020
I have sympathy for the Kurds and what has happened to them.

However, what if the Turkish leader told Trump that

“I am invading. Do you want to move your 1000 troops or leave them there?

Whose side are you on as a NATO Allie, as well as having Kurdish troops, Turkish troops, Syrian troops, and Russian troops involved?”

That sounds like a real quagmire with five groups and some are allies of some sort.

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How do you decide which tribe gets the last few trillion of America's credit limit? We'd be up to our eyeballs in WW III if we tried to right all the wrongs on planet earth.
It seems like each side gladly will wipe out the other if given the chance. I don't think there's anything the US can do in the long term to change that.
A pretty good press conference by the president explains his thought process. Very well done in my opinion. He is trying to do everything he said he was gonna do when he came down the escalator. This video is well worth the watch.
