Dr. Deer Pear

It was my first pear to leaf out and flower after planting last year. Granted, it was a potted plant vs mostly smaller bare roots. I'm looking forward to seeing what it turns into.
i bought 7 last memorial weekend for 4.50$ each clearance Walmart

Immediately transplanted them into large empty purina protein cattle containers and nursed them all summer

They developed massive root systems that i noted on transplant late winter

lots of flowers this spring and a few small pears

I bought 7 last memorial weekend for 4.50$ each clearance Walmart

I got mine from Walmart/Chestnut Hill as well. I buy 90% of my trees as bare root. However, once I am done planting those I am always happy to pick up a few potted trees as I see them to add diversity. Since a potted tree will be one of hundreds of trees I have planted I have little to loose if they dont work out. That being said, I would not recommend buying them to anyone in much colder environments than I (mid-NJ). Early blooms are great to see, but not so great for deer if they got frozen out every year by late frosts.