Don’t make my mistake with a few trees


5 year old buck +
I planted about 55 apple trees mixed in about 7 pears about 5-6 years ago. One of my regrets is the location on some of them. I have about 6/7 trees that don’t get much sun so therefore don’t put on much growth from year to year. The ones not exposed to too much sun are on the edge of a field with hardwoods right behind it. Now is a secluded apple/pear tree back in thicket better than one out in the open? In my opinion,yes, if you found an old apple tree in a thicket. A mature buck is more apt to feed off in a thicket before it comes out to your mini orchard which is out in the open. By the time it reaches the mini orchard out in the open, your back in your house out of your hunting gear. That’s why you look for a spot to intercept him prior to him reaching your orchard. As long as you have an orchard established on your property, you will draw deer in. Try to plant them in locations where they will good plenty of sun so they will grow and mature year to year. Once you got your trees established and are producing, you can always strategically place your stands back from the orchard. Don’t make the mistake I made on some of my locations I picked to plant. Some trees get some sun on one side and not the other. I picked a few bad locations on some but live and learn I guess. I just want to save some of you from the mistake I made on some locations. My trees are all caged and mulched . The lack of growth is definitely due to lack of sunlight. What a huge difference it makes. Like I said, just trying to save others from making some mistakes.
Can you cut the sdges back to get them more light?
That’s what I plan on doing to a few. On other ones I can’t since the trees are too large
Just be glad that it's only a handful of trees that are struggling. It's still frustrating, but could be a lot worse.
Yes, no doubt.
That’s what I plan on doing to a few. On other ones I can’t since the trees are too large

It is often not just light when planted near hardwoods. It is amazing how much hardwood roots extend out sucking up water and nutrients.
Feather them edges and feed them fruit trees. If it isn’t producing food or cover, or it’s holding something back that is better, it goes.

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