Doe leads bucks into lake. Some rutting still going on!

That's pretty cool!

How many bucks were there?
Very cool videos
I didn't count the bucks yet. Just a flurry of activity and bucks were joining and leaving at all times. I had never seen them go in the water like that, I thought it was neat. The wife said they started in the food plot by the house but were down by the lake before she decided to get the camera out. She still filmed about 30min of chasing (from the livingroom).
Holy cow or sould I say deer! That was a neat video. Too bad the zoom didnt want to stay in focus. Looked like your wife didnt want to film the doe and buck getting it finshed! :):oops::oops: That biggest buck looked like a pretty good buck.
Too bad the zoom didnt want to stay in focus. Looked like your wife didnt want to film the doe and buck getting it finshed! :):oops::oops:

I can do a better video but was in a hurry so I just used my phone to film the display on the video camera. I might download the original and try to edit it into something kind of nice when I have more time to tinker with it.
I noticed that she didn't film the "final event" very well too, but didn't mention it to her;)
That is unreal. I just realized how bad my hunting is. I see a buck chasing a doe once every three years. That video was a deer gang rape. Awesome views from the house.
I thought it was pretty funny that he followed her into the lake and chased her while swimming. Then when they turned back for shore and got out of the water, she seemed resigned ( or was too pooped from swimming ) to the fact she was gonna get it !!! So she stood for the big guy and it became " Deer Porn " !!!!!! :eek:

I agree with Chummer - I've only ever seen ONE buck chasing a doe ..... not 5 or 6 at once. Very cool video - thanks for sharing !!!
Haha I like the other bucks the turned around and went back to shore
Thanks for posting that was something.
Thanks for posting that was something.

No problem, glad to share something that I thought was really cool! Glad you guys liked it.
We have pretty good hunting here to say the least. From following on these forums I've grown to realize how different other parts of the country is and how good I have it.
"........ and how good I have it. " ^^^^^^

That's why a bunch of us are coming to your place to hunt next fall ........ Bashful group that we are. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:p:p
No problem, glad to share something that I thought was really cool! Glad you guys liked it.
We have pretty good hunting here to say the least. From following on these forums I've grown to realize how different other parts of the country is and how good I have it.
What state are you in?

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That might be the coolest deer video ever... Mother nature really makes the boys work for their money, assuring the biggest, most healthy close the deal!

I've posted a new video of the water chase that is less blurry and a little better edited.