

5 year old buck +
I have limited experience using decoys. I don't see them get mentioned on here. Who uses them, what brand do you use, and what has been your experience using them?
I have used one several times. I use an old 3D archery target. I use it when I am hunting near open ag fields. I have never killed a deer using one, but that is not because of a lack of opportunity. Not sure how much detail you are after.... I'll see if I can dig up some pics or video.

#1 - use in open areas where the deer can see the decoy from a long way
#2 - buck and doe decoys attract bucks
#3 - doe decoys spook the crap out of does!
#4 - use a buck that will be smaller than the bucks you are hunting for (grind down antlers or even remove one if needed.
#5 - use pieces of white plastic bag as tail or ears to flutter in the wind....the movement catches their eye.
#6 - use a piece of orange tape around the waist and neck if using in gun season
#7 - do NOT walk across an open area with it up on your draws the attention of deer and road hunters!
#8 - spray the decoy with scent killer and use a proper deer scent if so desired.
#9 - do NOT allow the deer to reach the decoy. Try to set the decoy up so the deer walks past you while heading to the decoy.
#10 - deer will approach the decoy head on
Good advice. I've not personally had a lot of actino with it, but know guys who have. They say once the deer is locked onto the deke, you can sing the national anthem and you won't booger em off.

Angle the buck towards you so that a mad buck will approach how you want him to is great advice.

We've tore off 1 antler before to make the buck look subordinate.

About 8 years ago or so, we had a youth hunter shoulder shoot a 160"+ deer in the shoulder, and he was still wanting to fight after he got hit. The poor little guy dropped his fannie pack while nocking another arrow and that's what ran him off.
I've brought a few young bucks in with one and spooked some does. I'd like to use it more but it's a bit of a pain.
I use a Renzo 2d decoy. Easy to carry and set up. I've shot quite a few bucks over it, it's an absolute blast to hunt with!
Pretty much do what j-bird said...
Here's a couple of pics from a decoy hunt last yr.Screenshot_20191029-124742_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20191029-124808_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20191029-124804_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20191029-124721_Gallery.jpg
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My experience has been mixed. If the time is right and the right deer sees a buck decoy, the action can be fantastic. Of course, you can also have negative reactions or no reaction. All in all, I have not found them to be worth the work in my area.

However, I have had good luck in one situation. It is using a half body fetherflex bedded doe for archery hunting. I don't use it for attraction, but for positioning. Deer are always moving in nature, flicking the tail, rotating ears, and more, unless they detect possible danger. Then, they will often freeze trying to identify it. My half-body bedded doe has alert ears with head up, staring in one direction.

How does a deer react when it comes through the woods and sees another deer in this position? They keep their distance, circling cautiously behind the alert deer, looking in the same direction trying to identify the potential danger. So, I position the bedded doe where it can be seen in open hardwoods about 40 yards from my treestand looking directly away from me. I don't want it looking directly up-wind but more at an angle. Other deer will be about 20 yards from my stand looking away from me presenting an opportunity to draw and shoot.

I don't do this if I'm trying to shoot a mature buck, but it works great for positioning does and young deer for an archery shot.


A video of one of my decoy experiences.....the buck isn't the biggest, but he came from the cover in the distance and traveled roughly 300 yards across the open field to my decoy. I am in an enclosed tower blind. I didn't have to call or anything..... I have had a handful of situations where bucks are so focused on the decoy they walk right past me.
I just noticed in my video that you never see the decoy. It's out from my blind about 30 yards into the field You can see that the buck is pretty focused on it. Sorry the footage wasn't better - shot with my i-phone. Here is also a different set-up (same location) of the decoy as well....
Dang....why to I hit "post" and then think of something else to add? I like using a buck decoy in the early phases of the rut....bucks will be cruising looking for deer and covering a lot of ground. I like getting the decoy out in the open where deer can see the movement from a great distance....I can NOT over state how important a little flutter of white can be. I then tend to use a doe decoy once I think the breeding is taking place.... Consider what sort of mind frame the bucks are in. Are they looking for a fight or love......and then give them what they are looking for. I ONLY use a decoy when I am hunting for a buck....does don't like decoys. They tend to ignore a buck decoy at best or avoid it, to loosing their minds over a doe decoy. Does are VERY social and as such know all the does in the area....your doe decoy is a stranger to them and as such met with LOTS of suspicion. The blowing and foot stomping and head bobbing and even signs of aggression with pinned back ears and attempts to kick the decoy are all things I have seen from does. I have not had any luck with the 2D decoys....but I have used them far less as well.
I use foam burlap wrapped with wood heads that I make&paint...mostly divers.

Oh, deer decoys...have never used.
Unless live does and fawns count.