Deadly winter


5 year old buck +
Yesterday I decided to do some pruning. I checked the front field first where my tallest grafts from last year were. They were all 4' and taller and more than 50 trees ( mostly Honeycrisp and Fuji). I had all but 4 trees that weren't completely girdled. I ended up snipping the rootstock just below the girdle and snipped the top growth off. The top growth was still green on all of them so I am guessing they survived. I re-grafted the top growth onto the shortened rootstock and now hoping they take. I will update everyone on the progress in a month to see if this works.

On another part of the orchard, I had the deer eat my top growth right down to the ground and most of those were Ark. Black and Fuji on B118.

I also had 25 cherry rootstock from last year as well in a fenced in area. Every single one of those seedlings were girdled 100% and the height of the chewed area was approx. 4". I am writing those off as a complete loss. The Mahaleb plum were co-mingled with them and they didn't touch a one.

The critters really did some damage to my trees this past winter. Definitely need to invest in window screen for next winter.
Ouch, I'm sorry to hear that. But yes, planting apples/pears/plums etc without protection is a recipe for frustration.