The Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Commission just voted to enact the surveillance zone surrounding that facility and as part of that to ban baiting/feeding in the 3 counties (Breckinridge, Hardin, and Meade) that would make up that zone.
The Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Commission just voted to enact the surveillance zone surrounding that facility and as part of that to ban baiting/feeding in the 3 counties (Breckinridge, Hardin, and Meade) that would make up that zone.
Part of the discussion was about the facility. As of right now, they know there was movement in and out of the affected facility while the positive deer was alive, but are determining where those deer went and came from.
Im playing dream world, but if they banned baiting the outfitter near me would cease to exist. I know the locals would never stop baiting but the outfitter would be forced to for fear of getting in trouble. All the Florida and Georgia Bubbas that come hunt there wouldn’t come if they couldn’t sit on a corn pile.