Covid-19 Fruit

Native Hunter

5 year old buck +
The deer are hammering this right now. If I wanted an archery doe, I would set up a ground blind 30 yards downwind from this tree and it would be automatic....

Native, what fruit is that? I’m from northern Michigan. Nothing like that up here 🤔
Native, what fruit is that? I’m from northern Michigan. Nothing like that up here 🤔
I call it the Covid 19 tree, but the real name is Kousa Dogwood. I've also heard it called Japanese Dogwood and Chinese Dogwood.

PS - You should see my Swine Flu fruit....🤣
They are eating the fruit?
What nursery did you get them from. I've looked at them before but never pulled the trigger. If you're getting heavy deer use I might just have to get a couple.

Did you plant them during covid? If so thats pretty quick production.

Same question; do you like the taste?
They are eating the fruit?

Yes, just hammering the fruit. It's been making fruit for a few years, but I never really paid much attention to it until this year. It's in my yard at home, and they have been coming to it well before dark for several days.
What nursery did you get them from. I've looked at them before but never pulled the trigger. If you're getting heavy deer use I might just have to get a couple.

Did you plant them during covid? If so thats pretty quick production.

Same question; do you like the taste?

Hey Catscratch, I've had this tree for a few years, and now I can't remember where I purchased it from. I only have one, so it must be self pollinating. I call it the Covid tree, because those fruits look very similar to the pictures they show of the Covid virus under a microscope. Humans eat the inside of the fruit. The outside is too hard and gritty. The taste is sweet and okay, but noting that I really like that well. The deer are consuming the whole fruits. I had some early apples falling that got the deer to coming into the yard. They are still eating the apples too, but I have watched them really work on the Kousa fruits the last few days.
Big and consistent producer?
Big and consistent producer?

Yes, once it started producing, I don't recall a year that it hasn't had fruit. The tree is probably 15 feet high and 12 feet wide.
I have an unknown dogwood variety against the back of my house I've owned less than a year. The fruits are just now starting to change colors. It's too close to the house, but I wanted to see what ate the fruit before I cut it down. The neighbors feed deer and a few turkey twice daily, so they're always around. I haven't noticed any deer eating the leaves though. It'll be interesting to see if they eat the fruits here too when they're fully mature. They've been killing my sedum, which is strange to me...hydrangeas too. They were eating pokeweed I left grow against a fence but have laid off it a bit lately. I would've thought they'd be all over the viburnum but no sign of them eating it.
I have an unknown dogwood variety against the back of my house I've owned less than a year. The fruits are just now starting to change colors. It's too close to the house, but I wanted to see what ate the fruit before I cut it down. The neighbors feed deer and a few turkey twice daily, so they're always around. I haven't noticed any deer eating the leaves though. It'll be interesting to see if they eat the fruits here too when they're fully mature. They've been killing my sedum, which is strange to me...hydrangeas too. They were eating pokeweed I left grow against a fence but have laid off it a bit lately. I would've thought they'd be all over the viburnum but no sign of them eating it.
Yes, they really hammer arrowwood viburnum at my farm where they seem to be picky eaters.
It looks like I've had a visitor to the Dogwood that's taking all the fruits.


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