Cool picture


5 year old buck +
She ain't takin' any crap from a boy!

Great picture.

Really cool pic!
Kinky foreplay at least their not into whips and chains....
Kinky foreplay at least their not into whips and chains....

Well there wearing leather and fur.

That is a cool pic! Is there a mineral site there or something?
And in this corner.

Cool picture.
Well there wearing leather and fur.

That is a cool pic! Is there a mineral site there or something?
yes you cant tell in the pic, but a mineral site
we calling this deer Ray Rice
Kinky? Leather & fur? Whips, chains .......... what does all this mean?? I'm too young & innocent to understand!!! :D:D:D:):):)
Good posts Huntall & Maya. ^^^^^
Was the buck dragging the doe out of the mineral site in the next pic?
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