Collards - anyone plant them for deer?


5 year old buck +
I recently read an article saying collards are high in protein, and make good deer forage. Anyone on here ever try them?
I threw out a mix of turnips, kale, mustard, and collards. They ate the turnips and kale and didnt touch the mustard or collards. Hogs would not even eat the bulbs
What all falls into the collards category? I've had kale in a couple of seed blends if that counts?
No ... but my wife makes collard greens when I smoke ribs 😋
What all falls into the collards category? I've had kale in a couple of seed blends if that counts?
Not sure, J. The article I read didn't name other plants, but I think collards are in the brassica family? I'll have to check. The article raved about them for an addition to deer plots. Maybe just hype?
Not sure, J. The article I read didn't name other plants, but I think collards are in the brassica family? I'll have to check. The article raved about them for an addition to deer plots. Maybe just hype?
I watched a video that was pumping them up. IIRC the benefit to collards was greater tonnage, since they are planted earlier. More of a 70 day maturity vs a 45 day maturity in other brassicas.
I don't think I've planted any collards but it's possible they were in a mix and I just didn't know it. Wasn't sure if kale was a collard or not. I've planted kale and it got hammered when we got some colder weather. Also it seemed to grow a lot faster after a couple of colder weather days. Nothing.nothing and then all of a sudden some big kale plants that I never really noticed before and the deer chewed them down in a week or two.
Try them. They can be a hit in the right area, but you'll never know unless you throw $20 or $40 at it and try. They really go like hell in fluffy soil. I've had some reach pitch fork handle stalk thickness in one year, and the deer ate it to the ground. They also grow out of hay bales.


Barley grew outta the bale too.

Try them. They can be a hit in the right area, but you'll never know unless you throw $20 or $40 at it and try. They really go like hell in fluffy soil. I've had some reach pitch fork handle stalk thickness in one year, and the deer ate it to the ground. They also grow out of hay bales.

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Barley grew outta the bale too.

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Those look like the turnips we grow. Below is what our southern “collard greens” look like


As far as growing something out of a hay bale, I have been planting a “straw bale” garden for the past three years and the plantings usually do better than in ground or raised beds
No tonnage with those, huh SwampCat?? ^ ^ ^ ^ 😲 I have kale & collards on my list to try this year. Gonna do more mixed plots this year.
Did it many years ago. They were huge one day, then basically gone the next weekend.
I planted a Green Cover mix that had some collards, mustards and African cabbage in it. They all got big and leafy. Not 100% sure I could ID each, but could see several different species. Deer hit them hard once the temps dropped in October.
Collards have a leg up on other brassicas because they do not bolt. Plant them as early as u want.

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Where do you gents buy your collards seed?? Welter's doesn't list them in their catalog. No local AG stores have collards in bulk amounts.
Where do you gents buy your collards seed?? Welter's doesn't list them in their catalog. No local AG stores have collards in bulk amounts.

Other big leafed brassicas too
I tossed a seed mix into my farm yard in North MO 2 years ago and they were part of the mix. They have come back each spring and also come back after mowing. Seems ideal if a guy can manage weeds/grass via mowing and have a perenial stand. I don't see any browsing on them but they are only 10 feet our cabin.