Cheapo Apple trees trial


5 year old buck +
Realizing results might be dismal and it may be years before seeing results, I made some grow bags out of some black breathable fabric from some kind of packaging. My daughter collected some of the apple seeds from some store bought apples we ate and put them in the fridge to sprout. I'm going to "cage" these in the spring in some cut brushpiles.20191222_175112.jpg
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Ben, Forrest Gump’s mother would tell you that life is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you might get. I hope you get some good ones and wish you good luck.
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Why not. Ya can't beat the price, and it might be fun to watch.
What would be really cool is if one day my daughter has kids, they might be able to talk about the apples that their mom grew from seeds and their grandfather and mom planted.
You might end up with a brand new apple that's a smash hit for eating. Deer and other critters will help you eat whatever you get from the seedlings.
I have two that my son and I grew from seed. I have them tagged as "Tristen's from seed". When he was a little boy he would bring me home apple seeds from school to try and plant. They are almost 5 years old now, they haven't produced an apple yet, but they are nice looking trees. Probably about 10 foot tall now. As a added bonus, he might get to hunt by it someday. I feel like those trees will always be a part of us. I also figure if I don't like what they produce, I can graft them over to a more desirable variety.
One of my favorite hobbies! I have about 20 seedlings now. I'm waiting til Spring to see what survives.

I recently found a limitless amount of property I can plant on, so I've started up again. I have a bag of seed cold stratifying now in the fridge.
Realizing results might be dismal and it may be years before seeing results, I made some grow bags out of some black breathable fabric from some kind of packaging. My daughter collected some of the apple seeds from some store bought apples we ate and put them in the fridge to sprout. I'm going to "cage" these in the spring in some cut brushpiles.View attachment 27396

I use a quarter inch mesh cage with a slightly open tree tube for seedlings. Rabbits and mice can be hard on seedlings, even under brush piles.

I can’t post pictures until next month. Tapatalk quota and my pictures are to large to post by other route.

I bought some Crabby crisp apples from an orchard and started them 15 months ago along with KinderKrisp.

Got more seeds in the ground this year.

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I'm worried about a couple of these with twisted trunks. I don't think I buried the sprouts deep enough.