CAREFUL with them chainsaws boys

Jordan Selsor

5 year old buck +
Just ran a nasty chainsaw accident at work. 18 yr old kids arm will likly never be the same! Just a reminder to not do chainsaw work by yourselves guys an wear a belt because you may need it for a tourniquet some day! This kid did.. This is my second severe chainsaw accident in the past couple months. Be careful
I'm almost always cutting solo.

I never go into the woods with a saw and not a fully charged cell phone though.
Just ran a nasty chainsaw accident at work. 18 yr old kids arm will likly never be the same! Just a reminder to not do chainsaw work by yourselves guys an wear a belt because you may need it for a tourniquet some day! This kid did.. This is my second severe chainsaw accident in the past couple months. Be careful

Thats enough to cringe.........yuck!
This kind of stuff is why I'm hesitant to let anybody cut wood on my place.

Hear Yah there!
I got a cut a few years ago right above my knee. The saw bucked and jumped into my leg. 20+ stitches, but no damage to anything other than the skin. I got lucky. The 20 stitches is a bit deceptive, as we were debating going and getting stitches because it was so shallow, but the fact that it was almost an inch wide and in such a high stress area swayed us.

How did it get his arm?
I got a cut a few years ago right above my knee. The saw bucked and jumped into my leg. 20+ stitches, but no damage to anything other than the skin. I got lucky. The 20 stitches is a bit deceptive, as we were debating going and getting stitches because it was so shallow, but the fact that it was almost an inch wide and in such a high stress area swayed us.

How did it get his arm?

He had got another saw stuck and was cutting it out. Must have been allot of pressure on the tree CUZ said saw bucked hard splipping out of his hand and down onto his forearm. Down to the bone and then some. Tourniquet was well needed

It ain't just the saw either. Year and a half ago my friend Mike Dennis was killed by a falling tree. It can happen in a split second, as It did to Mike!

Sounds like the call I ran a couple months ago except my guy got away with a skull fracture and spinal injury! My pt ran a full fledge logging operation by himself!!!!
WTF!? People are crazy
That's a heck of an injury. Break into any bone, or "just soft tissue"?
Do you wear chaps now?

No sir, but i'm planning on getting some this year. I'm just a heck of a lot more careful and don't try to cut more than I should, or cut with with a dull saw. Looking back I was cutting like a complete moron with how I was standing. The saw only bucked a few inches, yet my legs were in the way. .. that's how bad I was standing. I don't cut any big trees by myself anymore though.
That's a heck of an injury. Break into any bone, or "just soft tissue"?

No sir, but i'm planning on getting some this year. I'm just a heck of a lot more careful and don't try to cut more than I should, or cut with with a dull saw. Looking back I was cutting like a complete moron with how I was standing. The saw only bucked a few inches, yet my legs were in the way. .. that's how bad I was standing. I don't cut any big trees by myself anymore though.

What is it gonna take to do the right thing? Do you have a wife or kids?

I've heard drunk drivers say similar things. They have been getting away with it for years, they are more careful after drinking yadda yadda. It can all change in an instant. If you have dependents there is no excuse for taking a chance.

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I wear chaps every time I run my saw and twice I've had the saw blade stop on the chaps. Both times the blade went through the outer layer of the chaps and the blade stopped once it hit the center fiberglass type layer that bound it up. I wouldn't want to see how much meat it takes to bind up the blade like the center layer of the chaps.
I got a cut a few years ago right above my knee. The saw bucked and jumped into my leg. 20+ stitches, but no damage to anything other than the skin.

My first plot saw me get 18 stitches in the thigh. Flesh does not do much to stop a saw. Chaps and a helmet here.
Saws are one of the most dangerous habitat tools. Chaps, good gloves, helmet with screen and ear muffs for me.
No dependents. I'll be getting some though.