I have a 4 acre field that I would like to plant in switch grass. I’m just learning about throw n mow technique and wondered if switchgrass could be done this way. I was thinking of using cave in rock.
My 12 acre prairie restoration was planted with a special planter that used air pressure to get all the tiny prairie seeds into the ground. Prairie seeds are planted at a very shallow depth, about 1/2 inch. Just saying what worked for me.
I have a 4 acre field that I would like to plant in switch grass. I’m just learning about throw n mow technique and wondered if switchgrass could be done this way. I was thinking of using cave in rock.
It's not worth the expense of experimenting and one thing I would not recommend. Warm season grasses germinate later in the early summer after the spring weeds and cool season grasses have long started growing.
The absolute best way to start Switch is kill the field plant beans and keep them as weed free as possible for a summer. Frost seed the switch later that winter and hit it in the spring with the appropriate herbicides.
Second best would be to nuke that field now and again in the early fall if turns green again, frost seed this winter and spray very early spring with gly and Atrazine.