Can it be done?

Sounds like a pretty cool project. That would never be allowed where I hunt grouse, so I'm a bit envious.
I don't have the answer to your question, but maybe another option if the goal is to quietly kill grouse while deer hunting. How about leave a single shot .22 rifle in the hunting blind with .22 CB shorts? You could shoot a .22 CB short and not spook a deer 50 yards away while you take the head off a grouse.
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CCI makes a Clean-22 super and sub sonic.
I wish we had grouse to justify the project.
I wish we had grouse to justify the project.

Same. I've wanted a Buckmark or Mark 4 with a silencer for a long time, but I can't justify the purchase without a practical use for it. Holy cow they are fun to shoot. Unfortunately the only places I hunt grouse forbid hunting with semi-autos and/or silencers.
While I would love a silencer for a multitude of reasons—my hearing is at the top of the lis–-to address the original post, an unsuppressed 22 is not likely to spook deer. The vast body of research shows deer are not effected by the sound of a gunshot. The bigger concern should be the Little Debbie wrappers and sounds from movement and actions opening and closing. Who knows, maybe the deer equate the sound to thunder? Generally the movement of the hunter OR the movement of the deer by being shot OR having a round hit the ground near them is what causes an “exit stage left” event.

While waiting for the suppressor paperwork to clear, consider giving a unsuppressed single shot a try and let us know if that works. Then, once you have your suppressor set up, post a comparison of both. That way the forum will benefit from your research, and you will have a suppressed 22 :-).
Finally got around to taking a picture of my rig. I removed the picatinny rail from the bottom of the barrel (2 screws), but with it you could use a bipod. PS: It took forever to find a holster that would hold this, but finally found one from TandemKross. Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving.


While I would love a silencer for a multitude of reasons—my hearing is at the top of the lis–-to address the original post, an unsuppressed 22 is not likely to spook deer. The vast body of research shows deer are not effected by the sound of a gunshot. The bigger concern should be the Little Debbie wrappers and sounds from movement and actions opening and closing. Who knows, maybe the deer equate the sound to thunder? Generally the movement of the hunter OR the movement of the deer by being shot OR having a round hit the ground near them is what causes an “exit stage left” event.

While waiting for the suppressor paperwork to clear, consider giving a unsuppressed single shot a try and let us know if that works. Then, once you have your suppressor set up, post a comparison of both. That way the forum will benefit from your research, and you will have a suppressed 22 :-).
I've done it. I've got a henry mare's leg .22, I shot my subs out of it. It's quiet enough, but that is too much gun to carry on a hip. They are even quieter out of a regular henry .22, especially out in the open where there is nothing from which to bounce sound. I really had my heart set on something small enough to fit in my bowhunting bag. I may give that Ruger Charger a try. Not sure if I'll go takedown, or one piece. If it fits as one piece, I'll do that. I've got to measure my bow bag and then reassess what's all in it. I really only ever use my binos and ozonics, but those take up enough room to screw this up.
I've done it. I've got a henry mare's leg .22, I shot my subs out of it. It's quiet enough, but that is too much gun to carry on a hip. They are even quieter out of a regular henry .22, especially out in the open where there is nothing from which to bounce sound. I really had my heart set on something small enough to fit in my bowhunting bag. I may give that Ruger Charger a try. Not sure if I'll go takedown, or one piece. If it fits as one piece, I'll do that. I've got to measure my bow bag and then reassess what's all in it. I really only ever use my binos and ozonics, but those take up enough room to screw this up.
I find my S&W 617 10 shot 22LR to be as close to a nail driver as any open site handgun I own. When used in single action would be fairly quiet--and I anticipate double action would not be an issue as the sound would be masked by the shot. Adding a hip holster shouldn't slow you down, and having a top-shelf 22 to enjoy is an added bonus.
I wish we had grouse to justify the project.

I used to see em all over at my place but dont think i've seen one since late spring now. On the other hand, I get pics of the neighbors ourdoor cats all the damn time. Any that walk by while on stand are getting lead or an arrow headed their way..