California's Classification of Round-up as Cancer Causing ...

Tree Spud

5 year old buck +
Did anyone see that last week the California health department was going to list Monsanto's glyphosate, which includes Round-up, as a cancer causing agent?

This could have ripples about their restrictive lock on their products. When you restrict the pool of users, easier for the vulture lawyers to assemble. California is clearly a state in financial trouble and looking for means to sue business's ... everyone knows California is anti business right?

Wonder what is going to happen when other financial dead beat states like Illinois, New York, & Michigan smell blood in the water?
SHOCKING NEWS! - Study finds that ubiquitous chemical compound causes sudden death in mice and suggests it can be extrapolated to humans!

One thousand mice were included in the study. The control group was placed in glass terrariums and the study group were placed in identical terrariums but the chemical compound was added. After 20 minutes researchers checked each group. 100% of the control group showed no ill effects and 100% of the exposed group died.

Oh, I forgot to say that the chemical compound was H2O....
Gotta love CA. Can't smoke a cigarette in public. But a man can smoke a joint in flip flops and a sun dress at the bus stop....
......and a man bun

I've got a suggestion to keep you all occupied, Learn to swim.....

The video is weird and not sure how it ties in with the lyrics but .....
Do you have your tin foil hat on? :emoji_slight_smile:

Tin foil does not help much, but the water protects them when swimming and a lead hat will protect the rest of us...
Did anyone see that last week the California health department was going to list Monsanto's glyphosate, which includes Round-up, as a cancer causing agent?

This could have ripples about their restrictive lock on their products. When you restrict the pool of users, easier for the vulture lawyers to assemble. California is clearly a state in financial trouble and looking for means to sue business's ... everyone knows California is anti business right?

Wonder what is going to happen when other financial dead beat states like Illinois, New York, & Michigan smell blood in the water?

I really like your list of "financial dead beat states" and Illinois certainly ranks near the very top.
I think ALL states piss money away. The perpetual question is " who pays the toll and who gets the gravy / breaks ?? "

I'll still use gly ........... I just won't spray myself with it or swim in it.

Bill - Stop making fun of my sundress. ( post #3 ). I hunt deer in mine in December. :emoji_scream:
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I've thought hard about a reply to all of your comments and feel like I need to do this. I will just start by saying everyone should be cautious and conservative where herbicides and fungicides are concerned. Many who post on this forum and others are sometime, in my opinion, way too free spirited in their suggestions about their use. Read the label! I've used ag chemicals for nearly 45 years. I've been drenched by methoxychlor, burned by paraquat, and have used atrizine as a condiment! Hey, it all seemed safe and who was weenie enough to wear protective clothing? Their have been some nasty products manufactured and used. At the time they were purported to be safe, but we didn't know what we didn't know. Some bad science got these products on the market. Even with good science there's no way to know what the long term consequences of these things might be. I consider myself a scientist, and, looking at the science of glyphosate, it looks to be one of the safest herbicides ever produced. But no science can control for every factor. I will keep an open mind and evaluate each claim on its own merits. In California, the proposal to put a warning label on glyphosate might be prudent....and it appeals to the state's residents. And everywhere - everywhere - there are those who will say glyphosate is totally safe. Call me a romantic. Maybe a warning label will cause a few people to take pause. And, I am a cancer survivor. That might explain why I feel a need to share my thoughts with you.
I've thought hard about a reply to all of your comments and feel like I need to do this. I will just start by saying everyone should be cautious and conservative where herbicides and fungicides are concerned. Many who post on this forum and others are sometime, in my opinion, way too free spirited in their suggestions about their use. Read the label! I've used ag chemicals for nearly 45 years. I've been drenched by methoxychlor, burned by paraquat, and have used atrizine as a condiment! Hey, it all seemed safe and who was weenie enough to wear protective clothing? Their have been some nasty products manufactured and used. At the time they were purported to be safe, but we didn't know what we didn't know. Some bad science got these products on the market. Even with good science there's no way to know what the long term consequences of these things might be. I consider myself a scientist, and, looking at the science of glyphosate, it looks to be one of the safest herbicides ever produced. But no science can control for every factor. I will keep an open mind and evaluate each claim on its own merits. In California, the proposal to put a warning label on glyphosate might be prudent....and it appeals to the state's residents. And everywhere - everywhere - there are those who will say glyphosate is totally safe. Call me a romantic. Maybe a warning label will cause a few people to take pause. And, I am a cancer survivor. That might explain why I feel a need to share my thoughts with you.
Thanks for sharing Dan. You're a tough dude, that C word sure is a bitch of a disease. Glad you were and are able to beat it. FIL passed away last year from it, so I get pretty happy when I hear of someone who won the battle.

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
Way to tough it out Dan. Happy you're here to BS with us !! Thanks for your input.
Just saw my first commercial for the class action law suit in NJ. Specifically named round up and lymphoma...
On Fox News.

Spud called that one!
Currently there is some legitimate controversy over which research was used by the EPA regarding classifying Round-Up as safe and highly unlikely to cause cancer. I believe it was something like 30% of the studies used for the finding were funded by Monsanto. The EPA official in charge of the federal classification of Round-Up apparently has a very close relationship with Monsanto which adds to the controversy.

Im a believer in conventional Ag and the use of chemicals, but I'll likely use a face mask more often when spraying!

Round Up is amazing and I'll continue to use it. I hope California is wrong! Round Up sure has helped farmers produce cheaper food so more people can afford to eat!
I try to limit my herbicide use for all of the reasons stated above. But, I am happy to have a cab tractor now just to reduce my exposure more when I must use them.

Good discussion, thanks.