Brassica's w/soybeans ?


Yearling... With promise
Im planning on no-tilling my LC Brassica mix like I normally do in late July, but was wondering if I could plant some AG Soybeans that I have left over with them. I know the beans won't mature by the first frost, but my concern was if the beans would choke out the brassicas or vice versa.
The deer will resolve any concerns of the soybeans choking out your brassica unless you go full rate on the beans.

Now I am not familiar with how you set a drill, but will seed size and planting depth be an issue for you? The beans will be much larger in size and technically should be planted deeper as well. Now I personally have tilled and broadcast and packed soybeans just fine, but that's not using a drill. Like I said - I don't know if it will affect you based on the equipment you are using. From the plant competition issue - the deer will resolve any chance of that happening for you within reason.
I would think if you go over 4# per acre on your LC mix they will canopy and shade out any beans you plant. They might even shade them out with less than 4#.
I have a Landpride with a small seed box, the small seed basically falls on top of the trench after it closes and is pushed in by the press wheel
I would think if you go over 4# per acre on your LC mix they will canopy and shade out any beans you plant. They might even shade them out with less than 4#.
I have been using 10# per acre with good results, I would rather have the brassicas than the beans, but thought I could use up the beans and deer could mow them off
I have been using 10# per acre with good results, I would rather have the brassicas than the beans, but thought I could use up the beans and deer could mow them off

Unless you have very low deer densities, you won't have any problem. Adding leftover soybeans to a fall plant knowing that they will be wiped out by deer leaving room for cool season seeds in the mix is a tried and true method.

Best of luck,

I always add leftover soybeans to the grain portion of the LC mix, usually in place of the AWP. Never tried them in the brassica.