Blue Hills Tree Availalble

Tree Spud

5 year old buck +
FYI ... Ryan had put more 4'-6' Turning Point apple crab trees on his site for sale.
If anyone has Facebook, he put some really big trees 8-10' that are too big for shipping on there for $70. Ryan says they will produce fruit the first year and I won't doubt it.
They look real big in the pic. Now I just need to find an extra $70 laying around haha. I think you just need to email him to reserve it.
Just a bit of information regarding a tree that size. If they arent digging SUBSTANTIAL root mass that tree is going to require some serious top pruning at planting time or you will have serious transplant shock. There is a reason we don't sell trees that size as bare roots.
Just a bit of information regarding a tree that size. If they arent digging SUBSTANTIAL root mass that tree is going to require some serious top pruning at planting time or you will have serious transplant shock. There is a reason we don't sell trees that size as bare roots.
kinda figured something like that (though Ryan's trees usually have very large root masses)...every tree I have ever gotten that was larger than about 5-6' also was very slow to start adding additional growth and a few even died after a year or so..
They appear to have pretty impressive root systems. I'd still plan on babying them for a year with extra watering at least weekly
If anyone has Facebook, he put some really big trees 8-10' that are too big for shipping on there for $70. Ryan says they will produce fruit the first year and I won't doubt it.
They look real big in the pic. Now I just need to find an extra $70 laying around haha. I think you just need to email him to reserve it.

They were gone within minutes of him posting them.
Just a bit of information regarding a tree that size. If they arent digging SUBSTANTIAL root mass that tree is going to require some serious top pruning at planting time or you will have serious transplant shock. There is a reason we don't sell trees that size as bare roots.

I try and buy 4'-6' size tree when available and the root mass on the Blue Hills & Whitetail crabs have been really good. Have not lost one from transplant shock. I do prune back where necessary.
Just a bit of information regarding a tree that size. If they arent digging SUBSTANTIAL root mass that tree is going to require some serious top pruning at planting time or you will have serious transplant shock. There is a reason we don't sell trees that size as bare roots.

TC ... why are trees like this more of an issue that potted trees of similiat height and root mass when planting?
Well I have honestly never seen people who buy the over sized, potted trees have good luck with them either. You might keep them alive but they are not going to take off and grow a lot the 1st year. Potted trees are produced with 2 methods. One they hack off enough roots to get the tree into the pot or the tree becomes root bound from being in the pot for a long enough to get that height (all the while being watered and fertilized often). Bare root trees out grow potted trees in every study I have ever seen. If that wasnt the case the high production, commercial orchards now would be looking to plant potted trees, instead of bare root, they are doing everything they can to start recouping costs as soon as possible. We routinely have customers tell us that the "smaller" bare root trees they buy from us have surpassed the larger potted ones in growth within 2 years.
Just a bit of information regarding a tree that size. If they arent digging SUBSTANTIAL root mass that tree is going to require some serious top pruning at planting time or you will have serious transplant shock. There is a reason we don't sell trees that size as bare roots.
Ryan should just prune for them and sell us some scionwood! 😁
Well I have honestly never seen people who buy the over sized, potted trees have good luck with them either. You might keep them alive but they are not going to take off and grow a lot the 1st year. Potted trees are produced with 2 methods. One they hack off enough roots to get the tree into the pot or the tree becomes root bound from being in the pot for a long enough to get that height (all the while being watered and fertilized often). Bare root trees out grow potted trees in every study I have ever seen. If that wasnt the case the high production, commercial orchards now would be looking to plant potted trees, instead of bare root, they are doing everything they can to start recouping costs as soon as possible. We routinely have customers tell us that the "smaller" bare root trees they buy from us have surpassed the larger potted ones in growth within 2 years.

Wasn't really asking about potted, I know the limitations of those. Just curious why you were against the 4'-6' bare roots?
Just a bit of information regarding a tree that size. If they arent digging SUBSTANTIAL root mass that tree is going to require some serious top pruning at planting time or you will have serious transplant shock. There is a reason we don't sell trees that size as bare roots.
Wait a minute , you sell and I Quote " Premium Grade trees that On average are 6' tall or taller" according to YOUR website. . So we're supposed to concerned with these Blue Hill trees that at most are only 2 to 4 foot larger than what you're selling, MAYBE even less because some of your "are taller than 6'" ?. Sounds like sour grapes to me.. Let me guess you're the only one on the planet that digs enough SUBSTANTIAL root mass for trees "6' or taller". If I was closer I'd buy with confidence some of those 8-10 foot Turning points .
Wait a minute , you sell and I Quote " Premium Grade trees that On average are 6' tall or taller" according to YOUR website. . So we're supposed to concerned with these Blue Hill trees that at most are only 2 to 4 foot larger than what you're selling, MAYBE even less because some of your "are taller than 6'" ?. Sounds like sour grapes to me.. Let me guess you're the only one on the planet that digs enough SUBSTANTIAL root mass for trees "6' or taller". If I was closer I'd buy with confidence some of those 8-10 foot Turning points .
I believe the point he’s making is a tip that’s been shared on this forum quite a bit, when planting large trees from the nursery (such as the ones shown) or digging your own, you really should be pruning the top growth to match the loss of the root system. Many people are nervous to head back their trees at planting but it’s been proven to be very beneficial. Personally I try to leave the leader alone but I’ll prune off many of the lower branches because the deer will just eat them off anyways and I can get by with smaller fences.
Wait a minute , you sell and I Quote " Premium Grade trees that On average are 6' tall or taller" according to YOUR website. . So we're supposed to concerned with these Blue Hill trees that at most are only 2 to 4 foot larger than what you're selling, MAYBE even less because some of your "are taller than 6'" ?. Sounds like sour grapes to me.. Let me guess you're the only one on the planet that digs enough SUBSTANTIAL root mass for trees "6' or taller". If I was closer I'd buy with confidence some of those 8-10 foot Turning points .
Derek Reese 29 said:
If anyone has Facebook, he put some really big trees 8-10' that are too big for shipping on there for $70. Ryan says they will produce fruit the first year and I won't doubt it.
They look real big in the pic. Now I just need to find an extra $70 laying around haha. I think you just need to email him to reserve it.

My comments were geared towards this original post. 8'- 10' tall trees were indicated in that post. You can evaluate the information I am sharing or not, truly makes no difference to me. Blue Hill trees are no threat to my business. We have zero intention of intentionally growing trees that size for the very reason I have indicated. Any trees that we sell that are 6' or taller are actually a few surplus trees remaining from the year before. We did not intentionally grow them to sell them in that size range, there is no benefit to the consumer in selling trees of that size. Check out commercial nurseries such as Adams County and Cummins, check out their inventory in the 8-10' tall section....... oh wait they don't sell that size of tree. There is a reason they don't. I certainly never claimed to be the only one on the planet able to dig a substantial root mass appropriate for that size, also never said that Bluehill wasnt. Just pointing out that trees of that size require a very large root mass and very likely significant top pruning to keep them alive and speed recovery.
Wasn't really asking about potted, I know the limitations of those. Just curious why you were against the 4'-6' bare roots?
Sorry I misread your post I thought you were asking about potted trees. Nothing at all against 4-6' tall bare roots. My comment was geared towards the original post of trees of trees being in the 8-10' tall range.