Birthday gift

Someday isle

5 year old buck +
FC51734D-E786-4037-B0C2-5AB7C79D5DE3.JPG Do you remember that coffee mug your kindergarten age child gave you for your birthday or Father's Day? I turned 56 today. My 22 year old twin sons gave me this for my birthday. If you've read my posts you know that the best part of purchasing our own land a year ago is that it's provided some great opportunities to spend extra quality time with my adult children. And I think they seem to like it almost as much as I do. I laughed out loud when I opened it just so I wouldn't cry.
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Thoughtful gift. Sounds like you raised them right.
Wow. Gulp.

Great gift. Must have great kids.

One of the reason I like Trump is his kids. You just can't be Jacka$$ and have good kids.
That's not to say you can't do everything right and have kids make bad mistakes.
But bad parents rarely have good kids, good parents at least have shot!
One of the reason I like Trump is his kids. You just can't be Jacka$$ and have good kids.
That's not to say you can't do everything right and have kids make bad mistakes.
But bad parents rarely have good kids, good parents at least have shot!
The truth is we were blessed with easy kids. I am very proud of who they are all five growing to be though. In my line of work I get to work with lots of families and lots of children. I'm grateful for the fact that we don't have the challenges with our kids that so many others do. My brother and my sister both have children with special needs and I admire the strength they have as parents. I've certainly at times been guilty of having high expectations for my kids and have probably pushed them too hard once in a while. They sure have turned out well in spite of me. I had a bird dog once. He was a good dog but most of his shortcomings were my fault. My kids are kind of like that too. Every once in a while one of my kids will do something that's a little off and all I can do is say "yep that's me". Four of the five were or are college student athletes. The fact is they've always been too busy to get in trouble. I've always believed it's good for kids to be a part of something that's bigger than just themselves. It doesn't have to be a sport, anything will do. Being a part of a team and having the discipline necessary to be a student athlete has helped them all throughout their high school and college careers. It's also helping the older ones in their careers after school. I remember and relish each stage of life they've gone through but I always seem to enjoy the newest stage even more than I miss the old times. Having adult children with an adult mindset sure is fun. And as a bonus my wallet is a little thicker too.
Those are so much more than just a gift. I would say you received the biggest Thanks a father could ever hope for right there.

"I've always believed it's good for kids to be a part of something that's bigger than just themselves. It doesn't have to be a sport, anything will do. Being a part of a team and having the discipline necessary to be a student athlete has helped them all throughout their high school and college careers."

You could not have said it any better Someday. That is and always has been the standard in our home with our 2 children. Both competed in HS athletically at the highest level our state offers, as well as numerous social clubs. One has gone on to have a successful college career academically, so far, and the other will be sworn in at Great Lakes Navel base in 9 days embarking on an electronics career.

Sorry to hijack your post but I too believe a parent should never pass up an opportunity to brag on their children just a little. We've earned that.

Happy Birthday!