Bench grafting persimmons


5 year old buck +
Have any of you guys had success using a whip and tounge while bench grafting young persimmon seedlings? I have a lot of persimmon seedlings in the ground ready to graft this year. But also have a ton of small first year seedlings coming in the mail soon that I would like to graft and pot at home. I've heard the small one year old seedlings can be a tough one to graft. Didn't know if any of you had experience doing it in the home/garden with pots/beds on first year stock or if your experience was limited to bark grafting wild/planted seedlings that had a few years and developed root system under their belt.
I grew persimmon from seed several years ago. They were tiny little twigs after one year. I was not grafting back then but I’m not sure they were big enough to graft. My puppy at the time demolished the seedlings that fall so none made it in the ground.

All of my grafting up till now has been wild saplings that I cleft graft. That has had a high success rate but saplings have been pencil up to 1” in diameter.
I tried bench grafting a number of years ago without great success. I planted them without much care, protection, or weed control.

I field grafted a number around our barn with known varieties and they are now producing and dropping at the right times for hunting season in PA.

Last year I ordered 100 seedlings from cold stream farm. I bench grafted as many as I had scion for and planted all in an old garden. Not the best soil and last year was dry. Didn’t get a lot of growth but quite a few grafts took and survived. Plan to graft or regraft the rest this year. Hope to start transplanting in the fall.
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Most the persimmon I have in the ground or have potted seem to break bud considerably later than other fruit trees. Hopefully timing it right will work out. I got a pretty good handle on grafting just hope the finer details come together. I'm always concerned about joining them at the right time with good sap flow. Sometimes those little seedlings take even longer to push out leaf than a larger seedling
Where did you ge these containers
Does anybody have pictures of their grafted persimmons? and results after a few years??
Never grafted permissions. Been pretty happy with apples. However, I did buy 3 and 5 gallon gow pots and they work great for growing grafted rootstocks. I imagine permissions are roughly the same rootball size. Just trim the longer roots to fit. Don't dom much bending or circling the roots. I do offset them from the middle if ons side has alot of roots. Don't break the rootball up I gave a few as gifts, they broke the rootbal up and it looked prefect.

I am on the 3rd years using these. Pretty much all of them will be good again after next year. I lighten up my heavy clay soil I use maybe 20% potting soil and a little lime for my low 5 pH soil. agriform tablet in the bottom. I get 4ft of growth in a year. A little mulch on the top and shade the side from the sun with some wood.

I bought some fo the 5 gallon ones and asked a tree supplier to give me the runt of the litter trees. They fit in there just fine. Maybe a little trimming. M7 and M111 rootstocks. Below is my 2024 rootstock grafts around mid july. If you're growing them at home then moving them to camp, this is the way to go. I have put these guys in the ground successfully anywhere from may up onto early december. Had to hide the roots from frost that late. Octboer plantings come out great.

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