Beans almost at peak -


A good 3 year old buck
After a slow dry start to the year - my corn is about to tassel and the beans are just flowering and forming a canopy. In some sections they are getting hit pretty hard already - but in many places are looking great and on or ahead of plan -

turnips were planted 2 weeks ago -
2 Oats/clover planting will happen this weekend and the clover plots will all get mowed one more time in September. Also going to broadcast oats and or rye into overgrown clover/grasses this year then mow it tight to see if the thatch will be enough to germinate some oats to come up as well in late September. So more work to do - but the lion's share is long done, and it looks like most of the plots are going to be good!




The deer seem to be just really discovering the beans and they will start to take a hit soon - Looking forward to getting some oats up and the clover refreshed to take some pressure off -