Basic proximity detection.


5 year old buck +
I got the owl driveway sensor at home. The remote sensor runs off of AA bateries and the indoor alarm part runs off of 120v. They ay they're good for a 1/2 mile, but its working well at 100 yards in my backyard plot. Got 5 or 6 coyotes last year with it.

Anybody have a setup like this that works off of wifi or bluetooth? Would like a heads up when hunting. This would be in a place with no cell service. Could be something from years ago, like pre-android. let's say a back corner 75 yards away alerts you in the treestand when you're not in the game as much as you should. Even a trail camera that sends me photos without cell service. Would be nice if it doesn;t need a wifi router, direct to your phone. But, could put a wifi router up. Some of my spots over the years have 12v car batteries to plug in heated blankets.

This is my home setup. Works great, even when it's 10 dgerees outside.

There is a system out there like what you're describing, made by an asian company called Bestguarder. It comes with 5 sensors and a small handheld unit, is wireless, no network needed. It was like $225.
I bought this system 5 years ago. It works, and it still works fine today. I got the idea from watching those stupid sasquatch miniseries, where they set up motion perimeters.
I set this system up around a platform stand with a blind on top, with 360 degree views. I'll set each sensor out on trails around 75-100 yds away, and when the motion detector is triggered, it flashes a light on the handheld, telling you which sensor went off. Takes 3 AAA batteries in each unit, and they usually last an entire hunting season without being replaced. Birds/squirrels/etc can set them off, lot of false alarms, but I guarantee if a deer, hog, person walks by one, it will let you know.
Before everyone starts getting on me about taking advantage of technology, this particular stand is where I sit ppl who I take out hunting, usually kids. I admit I do like the alert this system gives me, because when I'm sitting in a 360 degree blind like this, I move too damn much trying to cover the 360 degrees, and makes my neck sore!
Here's the link...
I hunt the row of trees bettween fields. They come in fast and close and there is little cover in these trees.